Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Morning After

Luckily, I don’t have a hangover. I rarely got them during my heavy drinking days as well. I will just chalk up yesterday as an anomaly. I can report that I do not feel guilty at all about my indulgence in the bubbly brew. I needed to let it all hang out yesterday. My anxiety and apathy I was experience was overwhelming. I was at the boiling point.

Today, I am spending a quiet day drinking coffee and reading The Panther’s Tale. The Panther’s Tale is a journal of an elderly homeless man named Albert Vanderburg who resides in Honolulu. I don’t know why I’ve never read this journal. I think it has to do with how it is organized. The entries have a sequential number and not a date. It was confusing and hard to read.

So far I have read two years worth of entries and it is fascinating. He is quite an avid reader and writer and I enjoy his commentary on the many books he reads. He is also very candid about his life and his tales dealing with explicit homosexuality made me uncomfortable a few times (I am not a homophobe, but they still made me uncomfortable). He is also honest about the drug use that occurs on the strests and amoung some of the homeless. This definitely ain’t “The Homeless Guy” which was a sugar coated homeless blog to elicit donations and sympathy from it’s readers.

Coffee, pipe, and interesting reading. That makes for a nice Sunday afternoon. When I discover a journal like this I can almost get lost in another world or reality and will read for hours upon hours. I get intangled in the author’s life.

I saw George and gang today on my morning walk. I see them all the time and really should write about it more. It certainly would make for a much more interesting journal than it is in it’s current form. It’s just that the Piggly Wiggly Groupies can be like a broken record when it comes to their daily activities. I ussually only write about them if something notable happens. Maybe, I should endeavor to write some of those mundane happenings and add some more spice for my spare readership. What may be mundane and routine to me might be interesting to you, the reader. We shall see.

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