Friday, September 30, 2005

Afternoon Magic

Every Friday, as you may now know, Ella cooks a grand meal. I sit around all morning waiting for one ‘o’ clock to roll around. That is when she usually leaves and I know she has finished cooking. I can hear her Chevy Suburban crank up and drive off from over at my house. I then walk over with my key to open my parent’s back door.

Today, mom was asleep as usual. She said she had stayed up all night reading a book. I just quickly said hello to be polite and then walked to the kitchen to fix my plate. Today, Ella had cooked barbequed spareribs, macaroni and cheese casserole, lima beans, fried okra, and corn bread. The spareribs had a tart and zesty barbeque sauce and were fork tender. I ate my fill and went back to mom’s bedroom to say goodbye and tell her what Ella had cooked. What wonderful country cookin’!

Also, Ella’s cornbread is unique and I like it. It is almost like cake it so light, fluffy, and with a hint of sugar. My mom always prepared cornbread by heating a heavy iron skillet until the oil poured inside it was almost smoking it was so hot. She would then pour in the batter and it would sizzle and start to fry. It made for a tart, buttermilk flavored cornbread that was very crispy on the outside. I still prefer my mother’s cornbread, but Ella’s is quite a fine substitute as well. I save it for last; almost like a dessert when I eat those Friday feasts.

I spoke to soon this morning about last year’s fawns being gone. Just a moment ago, as I was writing this, movement in my back yard caught my eye. I leaned over to look out the window and five deer were browsing the grass. Mother doe, last years fawns (almost grown now), and those two little wobbly spotted fawns from this year. It was good to see the family intact and still thriving. Hunting season is just around the corner and I hope they survive it. I would rather see them in the back of my yard than on someone’s wall as a trophy or in their cooking pot.

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