Friday, September 30, 2005

Morning Magic

I awoke this morning and was freezing cold. I had left my air conditioner on full blast and a cold front blew through overnight. I started to wrap back up into my warm covers and pull my comforter over me. “Oh, hell,” I mumbled to myself looking at my bedside alarm clock. “Let’s get out of bed.”

I stumbled into the kitchen still feeling drowsy from sleep and got my percolator of coffee going. Within moments, I could hear it burbling and percolating away. That aroma that is emitted has to be on the most wonderful smells ever discovered. I poured a mug and that hot, rich liquid hit the spot as I walked outside to have my morning pipe.

As I was standing there, a most tranquil and beautiful sight emerged from the woods in front of me. It was the doe that has been frequenting my back year for years now. With her were two little spotted fawns. “Ah,” I said softly. “Now I know why I haven’t seen you in weeks.” The two fawns looked so delicate and fragile. Last years two fawns were nowhere to be seen. I wonder if in the past few weeks they have finally left momma’s side and struck out on their own. Such is life and life goes on.

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