Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Coffee, Cigarettes, and Big Books…

I and George walked into the meeting hall. The wonderful robust aroma of coffee hung in the air. Most of the members were still outside on the back porch smoking cigarettes and talking.

“What happens now?” George asked as we took a seat in the almost deserted meeting hall.

“Oh, they will mosey on inside in a minute and the meeting will start,” I replied.

“I am the only nigga here,” George quietly said as he leaned over towards me.

“We will try Narcotics Anonymous tomorrow night,” I replied. “There should be black people at that meeting.”

A guy I know named Phillip walked into the meeting hall. He has long been friends with my ex-wife’s family. Phillip is this big, hulking man often dressed in old overalls; a very affable and likable fellow. I knew I could rely on him for some help. He has often tried to get me to be more active in AA as I have seen him around town. He knows of my history through Rachel, my ex-wife.

“Phillip,” I said feeling I could trust him. “We need to get George over there a temporary sponsor.”

Phillip pulled out his wallet and gave me one of his business cards.

“Fella, you give me a call if you are having a hard time,” Phillip said to George. “I will be your temporary sponsor until we can find someone more permanent.”

“You want a cup of coffee?” I then asked Sherman.

George declined so I went to go fix me a cup. A great crowd of the smokers soon came walking in and we all took our seats. The meeting had begun.

Tonight was a Big Book study. We went around the room reading a chapter and then discussing it. We talked about how we can gain sobriety through helping other alcoholics and always being the Good Samaritan. It was a fitting topic to discuss regarding what I am trying to do with helping Sherman and in turn, helping myself. The meeting ended and the hour had flown by. I and Sherman walked out into the parking lot to our cars.

“What are you going to be doing tonight?” I asked him trying to see if he was going to go get drunk.

“Momma’s cooking cubed steak with gravy, rice, butterbeans, and cornbread,” George replied. “I am going to head on home, eat, and then watch Cops on Court TV.”
“Man, that supper sounds damn good,” I replied. “You gonna stay sober tonight?”

George just smiled and got in his car replying, “We will see. I don’t want a drink right now.”

I did all I can really do and now the rest shall be up to George. We will continue with a Narcotics Anonymous meeting tomorrow night if he is willing to go and to continue to stay sober.

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