Monday, July 17, 2006

Light Show and Dreams on the Horizon

Just a moment ago, I stepped outside to smoke my pipe before retiring to bed and to let Maggie have one more go at fertilizing my grass. On the distant horizon, towards Atlanta, several thunderstorms were putting on quite a light show. Nothing thrills my soul more than seeing such spectacles of nature. They were far enough away that the lightning flashed a dim orange in the humid haze of the distance. If only they would meander this way. I sleep best curled up in my bed to the sounds of a soft summer’s rain and the occasional muted rumble of thunder.

Nights like tonight make me wish I had someone to share such moments with. I thought of calling Carolyn down at Fat Albert’s as she is working third shift tonight, but decided maybe it is best that I leave sleeping dogs to lie. Just anyone is not a good substitute for no one. Carolyn is not good for me to be honest. All she wants from me is a fuck buddy. I guess most guys would jump at that, but not me. I want something more involved and intimate than the occasional one night stand.

I gets hard sometimes being without the company of a woman who cares about you. I miss holding hands. I miss that first kiss as your companion walks through the door after arriving home from work. I miss lying in the bed and watching her as she sleeps. Or making love on a quilt by our pond out in the country on a warm spring night under starry skies. Then we would roll over and lie on our backs and look up into that sky at all those twinkling diamond like jewels hung on a pitch black background. There is no grander spectacle than a luminous Milky Way on a dark country night. Oh, how I wish I had someone to share such moments with. Well, enough of my wistful thoughts on thunderstorms, starry skies and making love tonight. I really need to go to bed. Maybe, just maybe, my dreams will be of such things tonight. I can only hope or should I say that is my only hope. Good night.

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