Thursday, July 06, 2006

Muggy Summer Nights

I finally just broke down and turned on my air conditioner. It had rained all evening and the temperature was hovering around eighty degrees. The humidity in my house was so thick you could almost cut it with a knife. My sheets and bedspread had grown damp and uncomfortable to sleep in. They were actually sticking to my skin! Uggg! Hopefully, the dehumidifying effect of my air conditioner will rapidly dry my house and then I am heading back to bed.

I have gotten in the habit of sleeping with the radio on at night. I tune it to 870 AM out of New Orleans. Every night, a show called Coast to Coast AM comes on in the wee hours of the morning. Their favorite topic of discussion is UFOs and Aliens. It never ceases to amaze me that they can fill four hours of radio with such nonsense and people actually believe it and call in to talk about it in such a serious manner! It is quite amusing to me in a funny sort of way. I just have my doubts that an advanced civilization is traveling hundreds upon thousands of light years just to mutilate our cattle and perform anal probes. And about these alien abductions: The aliens have poor taste in test subjects. I could think of thousands upon thousands of other, more interesting things to do than hang out and fuck with a bunch of primates on some backwater rock in a little known solar system in the Milky Way galaxy.

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