Friday, July 28, 2006

I Have a Lot on my Mind Tonight

I have been thinking about what to do over the situation with my father. I really would like to find a job and pay my own mortgage. I see that as the best solution. I need to suck it up and be a man. I want to be independent. I want my dignity back. I don’t want to have to beg someone for a few dollars just to get something to eat or some cigarettes. I don’t want to feel guilty for mooching off of my parents by living in this home any longer. The only problem is that my medications run $1300 dollars a month and I don’t think I can afford to lose Medicare part D which pays for my medications except for a small $35 dollar co-pay. I can work for up to nine months and still receive my benefits and my medical coverage through the ticket to work program. I will continue to mull over this the next few days and look around some for possible jobs and to see what I can get. I will also discuss this with dad and my sister and see what they think.

Update: I just found out my Medicare coverage will continue for 8 ½ years if I return to work. That is very good to know.

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