Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Not Feeling well at all…

I have spent most of the day lying in the bed. I am not feeling well at all for some reason. It is also hot as hell in here and I need to finally break down, shut my windows and turn on the air conditioner. I am sure the heat is not helping with what ails me. I do think it is just depression. I sometimes just get the blahs for no apparent reason. I feel like something ran over me today though.

George also came by this morning wanting me to ride down to Auburn with him. He needed to go to Lowe’s to buy some parts for his mother’s toilet which is malfunctioning. The thought of riding with George in his junky car doing 75 miles an hour on the interstate was a scary proposition. I also have a hard time discerning how much he has had to drink. I told him I had to pass on that little adventure although it would have been interesting to write about. Certainly more interesting than the boring shit I have been writing about this week.

Abbagirl had asked in a comment if I was going to try and work again. I am not sure. Luckily, I can afford to not work and still live relatively comfortably although the extra money would be nice. I still have my eye on a new full frame backpack to go camping with this summer. I would also like to purchase another digital camera. I actually hate I had to quit working at the grocery store. It was rather a perfect job only a ten minute walk from my house although my relationship with the gang could complicate that venture somewhat.

Well, I think I am going to walk upstairs and turn on the central heating and air and get things cool in here in a hurry. I have just about had enough of this heat for one summer. Maybe that will get me to feeling better.

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