Monday, July 17, 2006

Morning Musings

I awoke this morning to something licking my hand. I opened my eyes and Maggie was atop of me in the bed. I couldn’t help but smile. She was trying to let me know it was time to head out to fertilize the lawn. I sleepily put on my shorts and a t-shirt and slipped on my sandals. I opened the backdoor and walked out into the backyard as Maggie followed me. I sleepily sat down in the wrought iron chair just outside as I kept an eye out on Maggie as she did her business. My eyelids felt like lead weights they were so heavy I was still so sleepy. I think I dozed off for a moment and abruptly awoke again to find Maggie lying under my chair ready to come back in. She was looking up at me like, “You ready to go back inside? It is hot as hell out here.”

We both made our way back inside the house. I walked into the kitchen and stood at my open refrigerator door trying to decide what to have for breakfast. I looked at my carton of eggs and they were one day past their due date. I decided on a turkey and Muenster cheese sandwich. I know that is an unorthodox breakfast, but I just didn’t feel like cooking and I needed to eat something before taking my vitamins and medications.

I don’t have much planned for today. I think I will spend most of the day curled up in my lazy boy recliner reading a few books I am working on. Monday’s are also my shopping day and tonight I will go buy my groceries and cigarettes for this week. I have already started to make a list of things I need to buy such as coffee, sugar, eggs, cheese, milk, etc. Well, let me go continue the adventure of a book I am working on. I am reading the Grapes of Wrath for a second time. I has been years since I read it so I feel as if I am reading it again for the first time. I shall put on a pot of coffee and enjoy a relaxing day of reading.

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