Sunday, September 03, 2006

Amidst a Sea of 87,000 Strong…

I made my way to Jordan – Hare stadium last night after spending over thirty minutes finding a parking spot. You could hear the roaring crowd and the announcer speaking over a mile away as I walked. I passed by frat houses with the tenants trying to get in three or four more beers before they made their way to the stadium as well in drunken and loud rowdiness. There was this tangible and excitable feeling of electricity in the air.

Once in the stadium, it took a moment for me to find my bearings. I had to look at my ticket several times to make sure I was heading in the right direction. I finally found my gate section and walked up that long ramp as the crowd noise grew ever louder. Within moments I emerged from that ramp standing amidst a sea of 87,000 strong and was almost overwhelmed. I looked up into the stands to see if I could see my father and his friends. There were just too many people. I finally did find them. Dad was sitting with my sister’s husband and two of his best friends. Everyone greeted me and shook my hand as they made room for me to sit down.

The teams took the field. A low roar of “Waaaa-a-a-a-r-r-r-r!!!” erupted from the crowd as the place kicker set up his ball on the tee. The referee blew the whistle; the place kicker started his run and then set the ball soaring into the air followed by a deafening “Eagle!!! Hey!!!” from the crowd. The game was underway.

Auburn played a good game. By the end of half-time we were had a good point lead and had started to put in second and third string players. I quietly slipped out of the stadium to avoid the leaving crowds and snarling traffic. I drove on up interstate 85 listening to the rest of the game on the radio. I parked in my secluded grove and bedded down for the night as I browsed the internet, wrote some, and listened to the radio. I then slept until noon this afternoon. These blissful weekends of long sleep will end tomorrow morning as the employees will once again start to arrive after a weekend off and begin another week of workin’ for the man. I will have to vacate the premises at dawn.

War Eagle!!!!!

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