Saturday, September 23, 2006

Goth Reject…

I glimpsed at my ex-wife’s My Space journal tonight. She had uploaded some pictures were she has dyed her hair jet black; dark as night. Egads! It looked terrible and almost horrifying. Bless her little unorthodox soul. She always had the prettiest auburn hair. She looks like something that got thrown out of a goth convention. Good thing I am not still married to her. That would have been a huge source of contention between us. She always walked to the beat of a different drum.

She also told that fuckwad she is dating that she loved him. He didn’t return the sentiment. He is in California somewhere after riding a Greyhound bus for days. He doesn’t have a car or a driver’s license.

I deeply feel sorry for her. Two husbands down and she still can’t get it right. She will fuck the first guy who gives her some attention. I really don’t want to see her in pain, but she brings it upon herself. I know I shouldn’t read, but it is like watching a car wreck. You know someone might get hurt, but you can’t keep from watching anyway.

I just hope our Boston Terrier and Siamese cat are okay. The petty little tempest won’t let me see them going on years now. I will proudly proclaim that I was more of a man than this dipshit she is dating any day despite all my various flaws.


Anonymous said...

hey, she puts her story out there on MySpace so anyone can read it...

Andrew said...

True, so true. I wonder how that reflects upon me. I routinely belch out intimate details of my life and my relationships with the gang and Carolyn. It can be rather disturbing when I think about it. *shudders* I guess I am just another poor lonely sod throwing their life history out upon the internets. Hey, at least I didn’t dye my hair jet black.

abbagirl74 said...

You should proudly state that you are more of a man than that dipshit. You have few flaws, I am sure. But we are our worst critic. You're beautiful. Believe in that.

becky said...

I have to second Abbagirl.

Although it would give me the heebee-jeebees if I knew that my X was reading my blog...still, it's not like I require people to sign in to read it. If your X didn't want you to read it, she could do that on MySpace.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are putting your life out there for people to read. You are keeping the rest of lonely folks company.

Annabel said...

My ex reads my blog and it doesn't bother me. But then again, we're still friends. But I understand the attraction of secretly reading her blog. Don't feel bad about it. If people didn't want to share the stuff, they wouldn't post it on myspace or blogger or whatever.