Friday, September 29, 2006

The Long Road Home…

I won’t bore any of you with too many details from last night’s football game. Needless to say, Auburn barely squeaked by on that one. I have my doubts that we should be the number two team in the country. It also rained for a brief while and I, my brother, and father got fairly wet. I should have stuck a disposable poncho in my bag. We were sitting behind Auburn’s band for those of you who might have been watching the game on ESPN.

I was being cheap last night and didn’t want pay to get a hotel room. My father offered to pay to have a roll away bed brought into their room. I declined and just wanted to get on the road and get home. I knew from my big rig driving days that driving late at night is the most pleasant and traffic free time to drive seeing I was going to have to go through Atlanta. As soon as I crossed the South Carolina line on into Georgia, I began to pick up WWL 870 AM out of New Orleans and that completed the pleasant drive trifecta of coffee, smokes, and a good listen. It was smooth sailing from there on out.

I pulled up to my house around 6 AM this morning. Carolyn’s Toyota Camry was in my driveway. I had called her the night before with my father’s cell phone and told her I was heading on home. She had let herself in with the key I had given her to check on Maggie. I opened the door and the familiar smells of my home were so comforting. I felt I had been gone for days. There was also a pot of coffee percolating on my stove and was calling me to come pour a cup via the exquisite aromas drifting into my den.

“Hey traveler,” Carolyn said as she stepped into my den bringing me a mug of coffee just like I like it with cream and sugar. “I thought I heard you coming in.”

“Oh god, I am so fucking tired,” I replied as I took a drink and plopped down in my recliner. “I haven’t slept in twenty four hours. I don’t see how I used to drive for weeks on end when I drove a truck.”

“I wanted to go with you so bad,” She replied. “I would have just called in sick.”

“Well, if I could have gotten another ticket, you could have gone. We would have spent the night.”

“I’m kind of worried about Maggie,” Carolyn then told me.

“Why? What’s wrong?” I asked.

“She has just seemed really subdued this morning,” Carolyn replied. “You don’t think she is getting sick, do you?”

I walked over and petted Maggie. She was lying under my desk like she always does when I sit at this computer. She did look pretty pitiful this morning. She is usually a very exuberant dog.

“Oh, I think she just missed me,” I replied. “It’s not like we have been apart very much these days. You have to remember she was abandoned and left to die in a dumpster when dad found her.”

I excused myself peeling off clothes and dropping them to the floor as I made my way to my shower. The hot water felt wonderful and invigorating. It seemed to wash the tiredness away. I am now fixing to go turn on my fan, crawl into the bed, curl up with my gal, and sleep the rest of the day.

1 comment:

joyous melancholy said...

I am happy that Carolyn has gone from a good friend to "my gal." You've seemed to have such worries about getting involved with an older woman, but the two of you seem to be good for each other. And you've seemed much more at peace since you've relaxed in this relationship. I'm happy for you.