Sunday, September 24, 2006

Burgers for Breakfast…

Carolyn only had to work four hours last night. She came pulling up into my driveway around 3:30 AM. I was sound asleep. She let herself in. All I remember was her picking Maggie up and putting her on the floor as she crawled into the bed. I was soon sound asleep again along with her.

This morning we both got up and I drove us over to her house to check on her animals. They were fine. We then headed down to Krystal’s for breakfast. Carolyn didn’t believe me, but I assured her we could order burgers for breakfast. This is something I learned from my sister and her husband as they love to do this as well. I ordered us a big bag of “sliders” and we sat in the very COLD restaurant as we ate them talking. I should have brought a pullover or jacket.

I was telling Carolyn how I have been worried about my mother. She has been staying in the bed an awfully lot these days. Yesterday, I walked over to see her. It was late in the afternoon and she still had her nightgown on and was in the bed. Dad was down in Auburn for the game.

“I was just checking on you,” I told her. “Are you hungry? I will go get us a barbeque plate if you are.”

“I am just not very hungry,” My mother told me sleepily.

“Call me if you need me,” I replied as I started to leave satisfied that she was okay.

“Will you look after the cats next week?” Mom asked me. “I and your father are going down to the condominium and the beach on Monday. I am going to go buy Maggie some food as well.”

“I will be glad to,” I said. “You all have a good time.”

Carolyn tried to reassure me that she was going to be okay after our conversation and on the drive home. I just hate to see her waste away her life lying in the bed constantly. It saddens me deeply.


M said...

I am sorry to hear about your mother. She is lucky to have a son like you who cares about her.

abbagirl74 said...

What about your weekly dinner out? Are you not able to do this anymore? I bet she would enjoy it.