Monday, September 25, 2006

Eyes Open…

I woke up late this afternoon hungry and walked down to the little Korean restaurant in the shopping center that houses the grocery store where the gang hang out. I sat and ate some soegigi beosot deopbap (rice with beef and mushrooms) along with a few cups of hot tea. After eating, I then walked over to see what Big S was up to. He was complaining about how chilly it had been today with a brisk wind.

“I sho be dreadin’ winter,” He told me.

Big S also informed me that the management told him he could no longer panhandle if he wanted to hang out on the benches outside the grocery store. There had been several customers complain as he has grown more and more aggressive with this endeavor over the summer. Big S had gotten greedy.

“The white man is always tryin’ to keep a black man down,” Was his answer to what the manager had told him seeing the manager is white.

I hate it when he always plays the race card like that. He is so full of shit. I didn’t blame the manager at all. Big S never buys anything and sits down there all day bothering customers. It was just a matter of time before Big S’s gravy train came to an end. I have seen the circumstances surrounding the gang vastly change these past few months. The once tight knit group is in shambles socially and separated.

I also got a letter in the mail today from George in jail. I had never seen George’s handwriting and let me tell you, it was horrible. It was almost illegible. The jest of his letter was that the food sucked in jail compared to his momma’s cooking and that he wanted me to start sending him some cash via money order every month so he could spend it buying food in the commissary. I wrote a quick letter back telling him I couldn’t afford to send him any extra cash right now. All my extra money is being poured into my new house and getting it ready to be lived in (and eating out with Carolyn). I stuck the letter in the mailbox and put up the outgoing mail flag. George should get it in a few days and will not be happy with me at all.

This evening I drove down to my father’s business to buy some diet cokes. The store was quiet thankfully. My father asked whose car was in my driveway all night and for most of the day.

“Oh, just a friend,” I replied.

“Well, they must be a good friend to stay all night,” My father replied facetiously.

I just shrugged it off, got my Coca-Colas, and drove on home. It is now time to spend an enjoyable evening catching up on the world’s of the role playing games I have been playing this week; got plenty of cokes, plenty of cigs, a nice computer, and games to play. Ain’t life grand?

Leann, yes, me and Carolyn had a wonderful and quiet night in last night enjoying each other’s company. We ended up just talking and listening to music for hours. We didn’t get naughty at all if you can believe it. Carolyn keeps such an erratic schedule though and I am finding myself conforming to it as well so we can have more time together. I am perpetually sleepy these days.


2 The World U R 1 Person, 2 1 Person U R The World said...

I played EverQuest for a while. I was so addicted. I would do the same as you. Drink sodas, smoke, and play for hours and hours. Do you know that people sold their characters for thousands on EBay? (Not just EverQuest ones either) I read an article recently about just that. It's still going on, but people are also selling 'money'. It's crazy! I loved the game, and got favors from people I knew in real life. (Scored some awesome weapons and spells and such that way) But I would never pay real money for something in a game. Hope you have a grand ol' time playing. Make sure you open a window to get some ventilation with all that smoke. You'd be surprised how one smells after a couple hours haha.


Anonymous said...

ah,small town life! can't have a car in the driveway without someone noticing!

Annabel said...

So, are you going to fill your dad in on your relationship with Carolyn at any point?
For what it's worth, it sounds like you and she are really good together and I'm very happy that you're so happy.

abbagirl74 said...

Well, it looks as if both of us had Korean food today. Went home to get my kid from my parents' house and my moms hooked me up with a bunch of food to bring back.
I can't even believe that you have a restaurant in your town. Cool.

Anyway, it sucks to be Sherman. I am just glad that you weren't a part of what went down.

Does Dumpster Diving Dan have a place to live?