Sunday, August 05, 2007

Summer's Nights

There is just something about a summer's night. Winter is looming closer and weighs upon my mind. It is making me savor every last minute of these warm, melodically beautiful evenings. Winter brings cold winds with the only noise being it brushing up against my windows that guard me from the cold. Summer brings katydids, crickets, and the sound of whip-o-wills. All things that bring joy to my heart.

When I was homeless, I often had dreams of migrating. The cold of the winter would make me want to live in Miami with warm, tropical breezes and blowing palm trees. If I would have had a car at the time, it would have no doubt found me well south of the Mason-Dixon line. Warm weather would then find me back in my beloved Alabama in the familiar haunts that were the woods I called home during those homeless days. Thinking about it makes me miss my usual camping trips.

Charlie came by last evening bearing two gifts of some incredibly horizontal Asian wall hangings. "Fantastic!" I said as we hung them on either side of my entertainment center. "They look so good, I think I am going to take them back now," Charlie said as he laughed. "Indian giver!" I cried, laughing back. I don't know what I would do without Charlie and the constant little gifts he brings me. Yesterday, it was huge amounts of toilet paper and paper towels. Today, it was art for my walls. He truly is the brother my father never had and treats us siblings as his own.


KYRIE said...

Crickets do drive me mad sometimes!

These winter nights u hv ur new warm house to keep u safe!
Well have a great Sunday with Rosa!

justLacey said...

Charlie is a good friend. You are very lucky. I never heard whipoorwills until we moved last year. We live across the road from a protected wildlife area. It's been raining most everyday for days in the afternoons and is quite wet here. At night you can hear millions of frogs. Last year when my other dog was sick, he would need to go out in the middle of the night. Sometimes the moon would be full and I would sit on the patio waiting for him. It was so bright and you could hear birds chirping like it was the middle of the day. So many and so loud. I haven't heard it lie that again since he passed away.

Summer said...

Once again, I find that you and I share something...dreading the winter. I get a little anxious around this time of year, thinking that the end of August will signal the coming months of dread. How I miss the sweet scent of jasmine and the song of the cicada during those dark days. I'll drop you off in Miami on my way to Key West.

justLacey said...

OMG don't leave him in Miami! That is probably the worst place in FL. Tampa running a close second.

Pen and the Sword said...

I know how you feel. I feel winter creepy up. It was nearly 80 degrees here in Minnesota and then all of the sudden the temp dropped to 68 and it hasn't warmed up yet. The leaves are already turning on the ash trees and my burning bush is starting to get a red hue of the tips of the leaves. I don't mind fall though... it's winters here in MN that I detest... but at least I get to take my kids sledding and build snowmans and stuff... provided we ever get any snow!

abbagirl74 said...

I love fall. It's my favorite time of year, followed by winter. Perhaps you feel this way about winter because of the past times when you were homeless. This winter you can curl up with your best friend, talk about life, and go outside to play in the snow if you get any this year. It's really not that bad. Christmas should be extra special this year! Can't wait!

M said...

Alabama has cold winters? Darn, I was thinking of moving south for the warm winters but it sounds like you have to be on the equator practically to have a warm winter!

I am not sure Miami would be a good place to be homeless. It sounds like a city full of gangs and crime. But, you are correct, the tropical weather would be fantastic.


whatever you do, don't go to miami-I lived there for 3+years with my husband..
But fun to vacation in..
Crusty! :)~

Summer said...

OK, I'll take him to Key West with me. Beach Rats Rule!

justLacey said...

Yes, I think he would love Key West. You can drop him off here if you want, I'm on the Treasure Coast.

Rich said...

Summer nights remind so much of my youth staying out late at night drinking fosters lager and smoking joint after joint. Ahhhhh sweet jane of summer no longer spends her nights with me.

James said...

These are good riddles!