Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Anti-Coke Protest Starting Tomorrow…

I realized today my parent’s are as crazy as me.  They’re all crazy as shit.  The whole family is.  My brother and sister can be crazy as well.  I just didn’t get the overachiever gene they all seemed to get.  So I am stuck in poorsville.   I also got stuck with the particularly nasty strain of mental illness that runs in the family – nastier than most of the others of my family got except mom. 

A few facts about the diet coke fiasco…

  • It was my idea to stop drinking so many diet Cokes.  It was cutting into my grocery budget and I was frankly lazy about carrying in all those 12 packs every week.  It was a hassle.  So mom started to buy me Wal-Mart orange drink mix that was a dollar and something for six quarts of drink.  I was happy.
  • Mom started back the six diet Cokes a day thing.  How this started, I don’t remember.  But she started getting sodas from my father’s pharmacy to give to me every day as a treat.
  • It was I who started the three caffeine free diet Cokes rule (I get three regular and three caffeine free).  I was having a particularly bad spate with my anxiety/panic attacks and thought the lessening of intake of caffeine would help.  I can extremely distinctly remember calling mom to tell her to get some caffeine free diet Cokes.

This recent “tightening of the belt” by mom and dad over my diet Cokes has me pissed off today.  I am burning mad – fiery as hell.  So tomorrow I go on protest.  It will drive my mother absolutely bat shiat crazy when I refuse my six cokes tomorrow.  She will, in turn, drive my father crazy about it as well.  I am lucky in that mom has this obsessive compulsive tendency to never let me “do without”.  It’s my way of giving back to my father who’s been exceptionally nutsy about this whole diet Coke affair.  Harumpfff!    And dammit, Maggie, quit barking! LOL


glittermom said...

The great coke diabolic saga...Coming soon to a video store near you...

kristi said...

You give 'em hell Andrew!

Anonymous said...

My friend and I were recently talking about the prevalence of technology in our day to day lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory drops, the possibility of downloading our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I daydream about almost every day.

(Posted by FPost for R4i Nintendo DS.)

Maire said...

I apologize, but I'm sitting here LMAO! I too have quite a few crazy people in my family; it never gets boring!
Carry on!!
Hugs Maire

Leann said...

Oh Andrew, you made me laugh. We too have our fair share of crazy. I LOVE how you're making it roll down hill.

justLacey said...

Sounds like a good plan.

forsythia said...

Ha ha. This sounds like fun! Go get 'em, Andrew! What's in a diet Coke anyway? Why pay good money for this so-called drink?