Monday, February 22, 2010

No Company Here…

  “I’ve driven by three times waiting on your company to leave,” George said over his cell phone.  “I’ve got two sodas and some of those chili cheese Fritos you are always looking for, but can’t find.”022210_0004 copy copy

I laughed.

“Come on!” I said, excited. “That maroon Cadillac out front is just some stranger who broke down.”

George brought me the sodas and the big bag of Fritos.  I thanked him profusely.  He had made my day.  My friend Liz calls these “little joys”.  Next?  Mom is bringing Arby’s and two Cokes from the pharmacy.  More little joys.  Maggie is already sitting in the front window whining – knowing our Monday night routine.  Mom is her second favorite person behind Charlie. 


This IS The Fun Part! said...

Miscellaneous Thoughts:
Why wouldn't George visit if you have other company? He's probably your best friend and you're sure not ashamed of him! He should stand proud! And congrats to him for six weeks!

Loved the birds waking up! Really does sound magical, doesn't it!

Maggie and "get the kitty" is a riot. We ask the rat terriers, "where's that snake?" and they go wild!! They also go nuts if you quack. Hate the neighbors duck that bites at them through the fence!

Mmmmm - Arby's!

Love ya!

justLacey said...

Little joys are always the best.