Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sleep Eluded Me Last Night…

I am lucky on nights like last night when I can’t sleep that I don’t have to work the next day.  It is truly a blessing and lately my sleeping habits have been so erratic that I don’t know what each night will bring sleep wise.  I slept for four hours and awoke wide awake around 2 AM.  As if I had drank a quart of caffeine, I was buzzed and ready to start my day.  I drove over to get my cokes after letting my car warm up and settled in my command center to begin watching the weather, writing, reading, and twittering.  It is 7:00 AM and I am beginning to feel winded from my post midnight Internet marathon.  Maybe I will sleep soon after I procure more cigarettes before the snow starts.  I am obsessing about that this morning. 

Charlie came over last night before dad arrived with my medications.  He brought piping hot vegetable beef soup and warm cornbread his wife had cooked.  It was a pleasant surprise.  He didn’t stay long, but we had a short exchange about the weather and snow in the South you can read on my weather blog.   Charlie believes weather forecasting is akin to horoscopes.  

Has Good Radio Gone the Way of the Do Do?

I keep a little FM radio next to my computer.  Most days I listen to a top40 pop station out of Columbus, Georgia.  My only other choice is “The Rooster” – a country music station I abhor.  We have a little AM radio station in town that plays Gospel and I think George is the only person who listens to it.  

Well, early this morning I got the bright idea that A)I have an Internet connection and B)I am connected to the World.  I am frankly tired of WCGQ out of Columbus as they play the same music over and over, and I swear they play Jay-Z’s Empire State of Mind rap song ten times a day.  They also play Lady Ga Ga and Ke$ha ad nauseum. 

Well, I searched for “top40” stations around the World.  After listening to quite a few, I settled on a top40 station out of Auckland, New Zealand.  I was pleasantly surprised when they played Paramore’s “Only Exception” – a song I love and a band who only seems to be popular overseas.   I was also surprised when they played some now ancient Gun’s N Roses.  This was starting to sound promising.  Then it happened…  They played Jay-Z’s Empire State of Mind and then that mind boggling awful Ke$ha song, Blah! Blah! Blah!.  My hopes were completely dashed.  Can I not escape the mediocrity that is American pop music these days?  I was hoping for interesting and new music coming from the other side of world.  Instead, I got a handful of steaming crap.  Sigh. 


Anonymous said...

andrew....go to

The best internet radio on the web. iTunes also has extensive radio stations

wstaple said...

I'll second that on iTunes. I'm a HUGE 70's music junkie, and they have tons of stations. Personally, I listen to CRIK-FM, The Lynx Super 70's most of the time. My other favorite online station is WAPR out of Akron, OH -

Leann said...

I am afraid when it comes to radio stations, no matter where in the world they are, the public rules what is played. I am a soft rock kinda gal myself. I listen to country also, and a bit of this and that, depends very much on my mood.

Enjoy the day Andrew and I hope you get some sleep time in. I know how difficult it is when you don't, and I work! Makes for a very long day.

Joy Heather said...

I loved (still do) Guns and Roses...Bon Jovi is another..we dont hear much good music anymore...not over here anyway....That soup sounds have some good friends Andrew.

Anonymous said...

the soup sounded so good. i think most radio stations do alot of repeating songs which can be a bummer to listen to. i hope that you took a nap today. i slept really good last night. i hope that you have a good day andrew, liz

Lena said...

My son introduced me to Paramore. I enjoy them as well. I believe he saw them perform live here last year.

top 40 is hard to listen to with the same songs over and over and over again. It can ruin even the best of songs.

Jen said...

I used to find all kinds of interesting stations through itunes.
I don't remember the addresses off hand, but google always gets me there no problem. My top 3 recently have been David Byrne's personal playlist, Fresh air (maybe from the U of Edinburgh, and from here in the CA. I don't always like the tunes on paradise, but I love the way they group the songs by theme or title etc, pretty witty, and obviously hand-mixed instead of just left on auto pilot. Happy listening- maybe you'll find some good tunes for dozing/napping!