Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Everybody’s Always Feeding Me…

George came by this morning with a breakfast plate from his mother.  On it was a heaping helping of scrambled cheese eggs, four buttered biscuits, and four pieces of Clark Brother’s sausage.  “It’s good, isn’t it?” George asked grinning.  George loves for me to brag on his mother’s cooking.  “Your mother could make cardboard taste like Filet Mignon,” I told him hungrily eating in front of the TV.  George will also often bring me a bag of burgers.  I guess he realizes I can’t pay for it myself and it would be a treat, and it is.  I very much appreciate it.

Mom brings me two meals a week.  Monday and Tuesday nights.  Dad gets her to do this to put weight on me and as a treat as well.  Friday, Helen brings a plate and I usually get to pick what we eat.  I call Helen’s plate my three vegetables for the week.  Have you ever noticed I don’t eat many vegetables when I posted my grocery list last week?  I need to eat more.  I eat lots of fruits though.

I saw a picture of me from Christmas the other day and I looked gaunt.  I am in a size 36 jeans and I have never worn below a size 40.  I’ve gained ten pounds since Christmas though.  Dad says I look so much better.  I have this phobia though of being fat again and it works on me.  I want to go back to my old habits of purging and not eating.   We will weigh me next week and I hope to weigh 185 to get dad off my back.  Let’s hope I can keep it at that weight without losing it again.  C’est le vie. 


kristi said...

Wish I had that problem!! Fruits are good too, lots of fiber!

Andrew said...


I cheat losing weight. It is not that my metabolizism is so healthy. I binge and purge and thus lose weight. Oddly, I read about bulimia in People magazine and that's where I got the idea to start. I wanted so badly to be thin.

I love my apples! It is a ritual of mine to cut them up with a knife and eat each sweet morsel. Thank you for commenting!!!

Anonymous said...

i would encourage you not to pu rge if you want to watch what you eat eat more f ruits and veggies. it is hard to not go back to old h abits. i never did p urge b ut i did u sed to binge which is not healthy. i do not think 185 is alot of weight. do work on getting the weight back on and th en j ust contin ue to eat well. i had to smile when you mentioned george grinning and wh at being sober has done for him. liz

Andrew said...


Good advice! I will heed it. You should see George now compared to the old George. He is like a different man.

Anonymous said...

Andrew,please dont purge it is so bad for you, and worrying too,you do need the vitamins and other nutrients that food can give you as well to stay healthy..just eat sensibly,lots of fruit is good for you( &veggies if you can)and as much excerise as you can comfortably manage..good for Maggie too...I'm sure you will noty get overweight again..because you rea

Joy Heather said...

That last comment was from me Andrew, dont know why it came through as anonymous..and wasn't finished off ???..I am just not used to this laptop lOL...Im sure you,ll be fine as you really dont wnt to gain weight, and that should be your greatest deterrant.