Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Comfortable Obscurity…

Untitled-2 I can remember distinctly the day the blog got 2200 visitors in one day.  That was my high point, and I also made $600 dollars that month off of my Google Ads on the blog.  It about drove dad crazy that I was making money writing a blog and he had no control of it! LOL  Times come and times go, and the blog has settled into this comfortable obscurity these days now that I am no longer able to write about my, George’s, and the gang’s exploits down at the shopping center.  We have all moved on from those days.   I hope the blog is still interesting.  I try to write about my mostly mundane life in an interesting way. 

A few days ago, I reinstalled a site meter just to see what kind of traffic the blog was getting.  I had no idea and comments are a poor indicator of the actual amount of people stopping by.  I was pleasantly surprised to see quite a few people still reading.   This greatly encourages me to keep on writing and sharing my life with others.   Here is a look at the stats since I put that sitemeter on the blog a week ago…



Sharon said...

Just in case you need to hear it - we do care. Even if you just show a photo of the snow or of Maggie, or talk about what Helen cooked you for dinner, it's still interesting. Thank you for taking the time to share your life with us.

cyottee said...

Yes Sweetie, you and Maggie are still relevant!Yours is the first blog I check upon waking.You truly have a gift.
Billie in Mo.

Leaking Moonlight said...

Your blogging is very much appreciated! I stop by for a front porch visit with you once or twice a day. You should know that your pics of Helen's meal plates are a treat for me too. And I look forward to hearing your news, and seeing pics of Maggie. (I love seeing how you are experimenting with your photography too. That sepia head pic of Maggie is gorgeous.)

Hap Joy Free said...

wow lots of viewers! nice...I hope to achieve that someday. You are loved, Mr. Andrew!

Amy said...

No matter what you write about - count me in!

Joy Heather said...

Hi Andrew..i just came home for a few hours (im still House/Dog sitting)I logged on to see my fave blogs...yours is one of them, i love hearing about you and Maggie, and you always write in an interesting way...very readable.
I'm so glad you got rid of some of the stupid anonymous blogs..but do hope the ones that were your friends are able to join up easily and continue commenting..Jims back next tuesday so things will get back to normal for me.

Lena said...

Wow, lots of readers. Way to go!

Tokyo Biker Mommy said...

Hi Andrew, i like ending the day with your blog. Your, and now George's, sobriety helps me with mine. And i also like your sense of humor. Thank you!