Friday, February 05, 2010

Good ‘ol Judith…

Comedy Gold! Well, some Judith character with my same last name is using my gmail account to sign up for all these political activist email lists.  I am getting emails from likes of Nancy Polosi and John McCain.  I’m am just not a political animal.  Reading these emails is like reading a textbook on particle physics for me.  Well, with dogged determination, I have been unsubscribing from all that bullshit.   My mantra these days is political avoidance.  The only way you’re going to get something done in Washington is to show up on the capitol steps with a few billion dollars in hand.  Money talks as they say.  Thank you Judith for at least making me learn the names of these people I normally wouldn’t know. lol

UPDATE:  Great!  The AARP just sent me three emails for Judith about their Medicare part B prescription drug plan. LOL

Lesson’s Learned…

Someone asked me in an email this morning why I was being so vigilant about copyright law.  Google/Blogger contacted me about a month ago saying that I had to take down some posts that violated the terms of service or they were going to lock my blog.  It was the post were I talked about downloading movies.  I didn’t even post any links of movies to download; just talked about it.  It was my anonymous poster at work.  They had reported me hoping to get the blog taken down.   I realized then how serious this all was.  They could sue my father for what he is worth.  Everything I own is in his name.  The Internet account is in his name.  I would be unscathed.  You can’t by Federal law garnish disability.  I would never want harm to come to my father so it was a scary lesson to learn.  I am hyper vigilant about the Internet and copyright law now.   Once bitten, twice shy.  


skinny minny said...

It is amazing to me the things people will butt their noses into and yet when someone is being truly hurt as in mugging or abuse or even shoplifting or stealing office supplies or the like or even is homewless or starving and begging ( or not depending) they turn a blind eye because they don't wont to rock the boat or get involved... it's not their businees what is happening in plain sight. BUT give them the opportunity to be self righteous biddies and they jump on it. glad you have a sense of humor about Judith. hope you are enjoying the rain. we had tons of it yesterday in a nice gentle fashion for the most part.

Anonymous said...

i hope that you enjoy your meal that helen made. i sent you an email which if you get time to email me back on this snowy snowy day that would be great. it is frustrating to get ads in the email isn't it? liz

justLacey said...

I don't understand why someone would do that to you Andrew. Just a person with no life of their own probably.

Joy Heather said...

what sort of low life would do that Andrew ??...someone jealous,with nothing better to do.Iam at my daughters by the way,just usung my grandaughters laptop to read a few of my fave blogs.

Jamie said...

Andrew, good heavens, there really are some nutcases out there...and it seems you have one. I am really proud of the way you are handling yours. Good job. And your particular nutcase? Bite me. :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting, wasn't this commenter.

It is good to see, however, that soemone else is looking out for illegal activity also.


Anonymous said...

skinny minnie, are you serious?! He talks about his mother and drugs all damned day and you are worried about shop lifters?! hahahahahahahaha

Get your head out of your butt!


Maire said...

Always boggles my mind about mean and nasty people who have nothing better to do then sit on their butts behind their computers (ahem, anon, no less) and stalk people.
If you don't like what Andrew writes, move along little doggies