Wednesday, December 15, 2004

She says, he says……

“Will you please just come to bed?” Rachel exclaimed and asked.

“One more minute, doll, we are playing a league match.” I said and I turned my attentions back towards the computer in front of me. I had a great deal of responsibility on me.

Rachel walked out of the den in a huff and slammed our bedroom door shut. I continued to play the online computer game that had sucked up so much of my life for the past year. We won our match and all my online friends congratulated me at my excellent defense. I felt elated as if I had done something really worthwhile. We were undefeated for the longest time and reigned supreme. Now it was time to face reality.

I opened the bedroom door and peeked in. I could hear the snores of our dog Otis as he lay amid the sheets. I crept silently towards the bed to get in.

“Doll?” Rachel asked. “Is that you?”

“Yeah, it is me. I am coming to bed.” I replied.

Rachel rose up and looked at the clock. It was almost 1 AM. I cringed as to what would happen next. She rolled over and looked at me as I took my clothes off.

“I wish you loved me as much as you loved those people and that game.” She said.

I sighed as I sat down and took off my jeans. I only played the game a few hours every night. She had the rest of the day with me when I was not at work. I couldn’t understand her jealousy of a few online friends and a game we liked to join in on.

“I will try to play less Rach. They are just my friends and we have a good time together.” I replied.

“You could have a good time with me too.” Rachel said.

“We have good times but sometimes I need to be with my friends.” I said.

“They are not real though. That is just the internet.” She responded.

I crawled in the bed and didn’t want to argue. I just wanted to go to sleep. I had a full day of work ahead of me and needed to rest.

“Do you love me?” Rachel asked.

“I love you with all my heart.” I replied as I rolled over and held her.

Rachel could be so needy and complex. I am still baffled by much of our encounters after our divorce. I think back on it all and how complex and convoluted our relationship could be and I wonder how I made it through it.

“Good night, sweetheart.” I said as I kissed her on the cheek.

The only sound to follow was the sound of her breathing as she fell soundly to sleep. I laid there relieved.

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