Saturday, December 04, 2004

The perils of keeping an online public journal……

I struggle with this issue as do some of my online friends as well. I can count many blogs I visit that have been compromised by a family member and another individual. They are either gone or are no longer posting. I often censor myself for the fear that I may harm another, compromise some of my real world relationships, or compromise myself as well. Maybe I made a mistake by never being anonymous on this blog and thus tying my hands for the foreseeable future with regards to this blog.

One thing we have to realize when we journal about our lives in an open, public forum is that sooner or later we will draw detractors or dissenters. Not everyone will hold or share our beliefs. Not everyone will believe the validity of our websites and what we post. Not all comments will be kind or supportive. It is a very real risk we take when we talk about our lives openly for all the visiting public to see. The anonymity of internet makes it very easy for someone to post what they like or say what they want where in real life most of these people would be more restrained.

I feel that blogging/journaling can be a great tool in and of itself. It can be an awesome tool for self expression. On the other hand, I have seen and read where it can cause great personal strife in your life as well. What is this intrinsic need to share such personal details for all to read? I believe much of the need resides in our egos and our need for acceptance. I also believe there is something liberating about sharing your life with total strangers in, what can seem like, a safe environment. That liberation can sometimes come at a great cost though.

That said I want to conclude this post by saying that I am struggling with the issue of this blog and of continuing blogging. I am not going to yank down this website like I did a few months ago and will still post from time to time. I am just not going to use blogging as an emotional outlet any longer and at least try to succeed in doing this. I will try to find safer more constructive ways of sharing my feelings and my life. Something a little less public and that will still satisfy my need to share my thoughts and feelings with others. I will continue to think over this issue for the next few days and see where more thoughts take me. For the immediate time pending, I am going to take a short blogging break.

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