Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Shitting in my pants……

Due to the wondrous modern marvel of the internet, I can do most things online now. This has helped a great deal with college as I can log in and drop/add or find almost any relevant information. Today, I logged into my account to look for what books I need to buy at the bookstore. It showed me my books and the total cost…….I like to shit in my pants at the amount. It was $495 freaking bucks!!!! That is just for the books. Three of my textbooks cost $98 dollars a piece! It is time to do some thinking and to compromise.

I have decided to drop math for this semester and use that money for my books. Math was causing a great deal of anxiety and I was being way too optimistic by taking 16 semester hours right off at the start. I have a tendency to jump into things and to get over my head. I am going to be sensible about this. I will just take the elementary college algebra this summer along with a lighter course load so I can give it my full attention.

In other news, the neighbor’s kids got a dune buggy like go-cart for Christmas. They have continually gone around in endless circles in the backyard and that thing is loud as a chain saw. It is driving me crazy. I don’t mean to be a scrooge but I hope they run out of gas soon so I can have a little peace and quiet.

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