Sunday, July 24, 2005

A Magical Birthday Gift for a Little Girl

If you have read my blog for any time, you have heard me speak of Charlie. Charlie is like an uncle to me and is my father’s friend with whom they are inseparable. Charlie is also the fellow who is helping me to renovate my new house at no cost.

Today was Charlie’s granddaughter’s eighth birthday party. She is very shy and reclusive. She has a hard time making friends. A few days ago, she was crying and telling her father, Alan, that no one was going to come to her birthday party. She was afraid she wasn’t going to get any presents. She has few friends.

Word of mouth spread and everyone who is associated with my father and Charlie came and brought their children. There were over 30 adults and 20 children. We didn’t have enough tables and chairs for everybody and many of us had to stand up or sit on the grass to eat. We just barely had enough hamburgers, cake, and ice cream for everyone. (I had to run back to the grocery store and buy another cake and some ice cream.)

Erin, the birthday girl, was overjoyed and spent hours running and playing with the other children. I also made a new, good friend in the husband of an employee of my father’s pharmacy. Everybody had a grand time and a little girl’s fears were quelled.

If I get up the energy later on, I want to write about the blog service Blog Explosion and explain why it is a waste of your time. I got over a thousand hits and numerous comments in just four days but there is a catch to this service that makes it completely useless. This write-up will probably be posted in the morning.

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