Friday, July 29, 2005

A Quiet Day Other Than the Weather

My power was out for most of the day. We had some severe storms blow through and linger for most of the afternoon. It steadily poured rain for hours. I sat in my lounge chair, smoked my pipe, and reread old issues of Model Railroader magazine. I reveled in the silence and peace. Everything was so peaceful after the storms subsided. The only sound was that of the rain softly falling and an occasional rumble of thunder.

Tonight, I was reading by candlelight in my den. I had all my windows open and the cool, night breeze was refreshing. Suddenly, the power kicked back on and the sound of silence was broken by everything electrical and mechanical whizzing and clicking back to life. The soft glow of flickering candles was washed out by the harsh, bright glow of incandescent bulbs. I was almost tempted to turn everything back off again and continue with reading by candlelight, but the lure of my computer and the internet distracted me. Like a moth drawn to the flickering flame of my candles, I was drawn to the fluorescent glow of my monitor to find out what had happened during my online absence.

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