Thursday, July 14, 2005

Idle Talk over Two Rueben’s

I heard the familiar horn of my mother’s Honda in the driveway. It was pouring down rain but this didn’t daunt my mother’s quest for a meal out. My father says she is obsessed with eating out and food and she is.

I opened my umbrella and walked out to the car. She got out and got in the passenger’s side. She always lets me drive.

She had changed her mind and wanted a Rueben sandwich from Arby’s. She decided that eating at the White House Restaurant was too expensive for two weeks in a row. We are going to go once a month from now on.

I drove us down to Valley onto the main strip and pulled into the Arby’s. We both got out and made our way inside. She had to double check three times that the car doors were locked. I patiently looked on. She can be kind of anal and obsessive compulsive about those kinds of things.

Once inside we ordered, received our food, and sat down to eat. I try to make small talk but my mother is not one for talking much and especially not captivating conversation. We usually just sit there quietly as we eat our meal. It is a side effect of her mental illness. Sometimes she can surprise me though with her veracity and lucidity like she did today.

“I haven’t been to see Bob since last week,” I said guiltily as I took a bite out of my sandwich.

“Bob drives me crazy,” She said. “He is so country and always has that toothpick hanging out of his mouth. I don’t blame you.”

“Well, Charlie goes by there everyday after work.” I replied. “It makes me feel guilty.”

“They bought Charlie’s house,” She said. “He is just taking care of business.”

“I guess you are right,” I said. “I still feel guilty though.”

They had a television tuned to CNN inside the restaurant. They started showing a segment about the recent debacle with Karl Rove. My mother completely took me by surprise with our next exchange. She actually knew who Karl Rove and Valerie Plame were.

“Bush said he would fire anybody involved in that Plame leak,” She said. “I bet this just gets swept under the carpet and forgotten; the good old boy network in action.”

My jaw dropped and a look of astonishment came over my face.

“Have you been watching television?” I asked.

“No, I have been reading the Journal Constitution everyday.” She replied.

I have never known my mother to know anything about the news or current events especially politics. I have never even seen her pick up a newspaper. She tends to only read those trashy harlequinesque romance novels.

“What brought this sudden change in reading on?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I just picked up the paper one day and started reading it. I have been reading it for weeks now.” She replied.

We went to talk a great length about current events. We finally finished our meal and headed home full and satiated. Mom sure can surprise me sometimes and I like to see her get involved and be active. I hate to see her sleep her days away like she normally does. Maybe this is the first step of a period of renewed vigor and vitality. I certainly hope so.

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