Saturday, July 23, 2005

Violent Weather

Yesterday, we had one of the most intense severe thunderstorms I have ever encountered. The cloud to ground lightening was almost continuous and the thunder was immediate and deafening. This storm blew up out of nowhere fueled by the intense heat and humidity we have been experiencing lately. The fierce wind even blew my back door open and shattered a pane of glass in it.

At one point, I heard a loud crack and pop and it sounded as if a strike had hit the house. I raced upstairs but everything seemed fine. I just knew I was going to find the house on fire or something.

It did hit a neighbor’s house and caught it on fire. The wails of fire truck sirens filled the air as they hurried to the location. The fire brigade managed to put it out before there was any extensive damage other than from water.

After the storm had passed, my phone rang. I picked it up to find my father on the other end.

“Have you ever seen lightning like that?” He asked.

“Dad, that was pretty intense, wasn’t it?” I replied.

“I have never seen lightning like that,” He said. “That was scary.”

“Me neither,” I said.

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” He said. “I hear fire trucks all around us.”

“I thought the house had gotten hit but didn’t find anything upstairs,” I replied. “The wind did blow open my back door and broke a pane of glass though.”

“We’ll get a glass smith over in the morning,” He replied. “It cracked some glass in the door down at the drug store as well.”

Another residual pop of lightning fired nearby causing both of us to jump and the phone crackled with static.

“Let’s get off this phone!” Dad said.

We both hung up quickly. Later, I printed out the radar image of the storm and the special weather statement issued by the National Weather Service and took it to my father. We both find the weather fascinating. He greatly enjoyed this and marveled at what you can do with the internet.

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