Friday, April 07, 2006

Done a Runner as the Brits Say

*The following is just pure conjecture, but I felt like writing about my ideas on this matter this morning as I just visited his blog by stupidity inducing curiosity. This is why I do not read his blog as it brings out such strong emotions and opinions from me. Please chastise me for doing so if you feel the need.*

I do believe the homeless guy that shall not be named has done another runner. I would be willing to place a sizable bet that he ends back up in his old stomping grounds in Tennessee. There, he didn’t have to work and knew how to use various charities to his advantage. He had free shelter and was familiar with all the places to get free meals.

In Las Vegas, he has to work for his accommodations. Work soon grows very old and is doubly hard to do if you haven’t really worked in years. Take it from me. I know. I really hadn’t worked other than odd jobs here and there for over three years. I think the old saying that if you don’t use it, you lose it goes for working as well. You can get very accustomed to an unemployed lifestyle and the freedoms it entails.

It kind of makes me angry being a formerly homeless person that he is still calling himself homeless and harping about how hard it is when he became homeless voluntarily this time around. He had a home and gave it up carelessly on some whim about freedom (I do realize I almost did this as well in a moment of irrationality). He voluntarily moved to Vegas and started using resources that could have a helped a true homeless person in that town. Resources are finite and there are only so many beds and meals to go around. Someone probably had to sleep on the streets because of him.

His short quoted post about the detriment of paying child support for indigent men was telling as well. If he had kept his home and his job in Tennessee then he could have possibly been able to reunite with his children through legal means. This also means he would be liable to pay child support as well. He occasionally writes sympathy inducing posts about his love for his kids and how much he misses them so why did he just take off during one of the greatest chances of reuniting with his offspring in years? I do believe child support is a great factor in why he can never settle down, take responsibility, and actually gain back a relationship with his children. He would start having to pay child support and being a responsible parent for a change. He probably owes thousands and thousands of dollars by now if his ex-wife has sought such entitlements. As long as he stays homeless and indigent you can’t squeeze blood out of a turnip so to speak.

I will concede that I am not the most responsible of men. I will not use my mental illness as an excuse, but one thing I do pride myself in is that I always knew I could never raise a family or support them. I was well aware from my early years as a young adult when my illness first manifested itself that I was incapable of doing so. I am very grateful that I always had the lucidity to never put offspring sired by me through the horrors of having a mentally ill parent like I experienced before my mother was diagnosed, got help, and started to recover through medications.
Well, as you can see, this is why I shouldn’t read his blog. It gets me on a self righteous rant. I will probably regret posting this as the day grows shorter.

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