Friday, April 07, 2006

Rattus Norvegicus Sets up Shop

I and mom went to Wanda’s diner last night for supper. Wanda’s came highly recommended for their home style hamburger plate. It truly was delicious. I could have eaten two. Some old friends of the family were sitting behind us eating as well. Mom just loudly blurts out, “Are you still sleeping in your car?” I quickly put my finger to my mouth and shushed her as I frowned and my face grew red. The friends next to us got really quiet trying to listen in. It both embarrassed me and her. She apologized profusely when we got back in the car to drive home. I told her not to worry about it.

I only had to work from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. this morning. I much prefer those hours as I am usually up by 4 a.m. anyway. My supervisor tried to goad me into working past lunch though, but I had to decline despite some serious persuasion going on. I just have far too much to do today with dad. Laundry, summer clothes shopping, my doctor’s appointment, eating out, etc. just means my plate is full today.

I spent all morning sorting and wrapping packs of okra. The okra was from Mexico and was not of very good quality at $5.49 a pound. That may sound like a lot but it is so light that each pack I made only cost around $1.25 for sale. We cater to a black clientele as the neighborhood the grocery store in is predominately poor and minority. It is customary to put okra in your black eye peas here as they cook. It is an acquired taste as okra gets slimy as it boils in the peas. I have never cared for it myself even though I grew up eating it.

We have some serious problems at work that I couldn’t talk about on my old blog due to liability reasons. We have two infestations in the back preparation areas. Rats and copious amounts of cockroaches have made their home back there. Overnight, we set out industrial sized “flypaper” traps to catch the rats. Often, one or two traps have a poor victim attached in the morning. I fear the management is fighting an uphill battle though. They are too cheap to hire professional exterminators. I no longer do my personal shopping there due to these revelations. I drive across town to a more upscale grocery store.

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