Thursday, May 01, 2008

Groves and Groves...

There is an ancient old pecan grove across from the railyard and that old cotton mill.  It is nearby to where Ferret camped stealthily when he was homeless.  Today, I lay out in that beautiful grove for hours on the grass reading Trains magazines.  What a wonderful time, and I got some sun to boot!  I am finding these special little quiet moments to be what life is about.  And the weather was just gorgeous today to compliment my excursion! 

This morning was my injection in the ole derrière.  My nurse, Rebecca, who gives it, is 12 weeks pregnant.  I shudder to think who will take her place once the baby comes.  She is so kind and forgiving, and I am not afraid to bare my bum for her. LOL  I was close to having a nasty panic attack in the lobby, though. People were talking loudly.  The TV was on and loudly.  I wanted to dash out of there to the cool and unencumbered outside -- free of the noise and the prying eyes.  I did have to go smoke several calming cigarettes as I waited.

This afternoon was buying groceries.  I continued my trend and bought mostly healthy foods.  Lots of vegetables and lean meats.  This means I have to cook.  I've also been on a banana kick lately and stocked up on them as well.  Mom stayed an hour when we got back to my house as we sat and talked.   We discussed the various symptoms of our mental illnesses and all that entails as we put up my groceries.

Now I am sitting at work as the sun sets.  One of the girls brought in a store bought cake from Wal-Mart and I indulged in two pieces.  Bad, I know.  But I have a terrible sweet tooth.  My father is in a foul mood today so it is best to avoid him -- nasty, snapping spells.  Soon, I will be slinking out the door to do my deliveries.  That can't come soon enough!   It will be another ride on the Viagra express!


mosiacmind said...

What a great idea spending time outside and reading. I like to often times sit on my patio to relax and spend time with Gracie. I need to find a good book to read. I hope that the rest of your day goes well.

justLacey said...

As you can see, the bananas are good for you. I also found this site the other day and it has some interesting recipes and info on healthy foods. I hope you like it.
Glad to hear you had some pleasant quiet time today. We all need a little of that now and then. The loudness in the drs. office would have bothered me too. I like it nice and quiet. I find that the 2 best times to schedule my appointment are the first one in the morning or the first one after lunch. No time to get behind and make you wait a long time with those.

jane said...

viagra express - very funny!

Summer said...

I don't have a mental illness that I am aware of. Depression comes and goes, but, I just want you not to be so hard on yourself. Daily I am bombarded with loud people and sounds and I think I am going to come unglued. I actually yelled at some people in my office today for being too loud.

I don't think I was having a panic attack and maybe you aren't either, maybe just a sensitive soul like I think I am.

Portia said...

Lying on a blanket of grass under blue skies sounds so heavenly...I hope you get to visit your grove again soon:)