Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hope Lost and Hopes Dashed...

I woke up uncommonly early again this morning.   My body seems to go through cycles and now a 6 AM waking time is it.  Maggie, bless her heart, was a better bed companion last night and stayed to her side of the bed.  She's on the couch now so the bed is free when I go back to it and I will. 

Rosa laid out some conditions for us getting back together last night. 

"You need to get a full time job and quit the job at the pharmacy," she told me.

"No," I replied.


"I said no.  I am not going to do that," I replied. "My current job is the only job I have felt comfortable at in years."

That was the end of her conditions.  Any hopes of us getting back together were dashed in that simple moment. 


Summer said...

Relationships shouldn't have conditions anyway Sweets.

Acceptance is what we all need.


I was going to say this ditty on acceptance but Summer said it better then I could ever say it.

Sorry about the "weather conditions" with Rosa.


Cheryl said...

I could see a stranger saying those things to you, but Rosa? I don't get it.

Lara said...

My best friend has a girlfriend who is trying to change him... who says he doesn't make enough money... who needs for him to get a different job before she'll commit to the relationship.

In a relationship, you should be accepted for who YOU are.
What you do is NOT who you are. And if what you do isn't good enough for someone, then there is something wrong.

I'm sorry about Rosa apparently not working out, but I'm proud of you for staying who you are.

PipeTobacco said...


Although now does not seem the time for you and Rosa to get back together, that does not mean it cannot happen in the future. As both of you grow and progress it is possible you both will find a way to meet at the middle ground. It simply may need more time for both of you to grow and develop.

So, please do not be sad. Moderation in all things on this journey!


Jenn said...

I don't know how she could give you those conditions knowing your mental illness. It almost seems like she was setting up the impossible as a way of escaping.

ac said...

Pipe Tobacco has a great point.

My thoughts, worth exactly what you're paying, (ha!) stay where you are comfortable working.

I doubt that condition Rosa laid out was the end all and be all deal breaker you think it was. I'd be greatly surprised if your conversations with Rosa don't continue... maybe after a small break. It will be interesting to see what happens. Keep us posted.

You know I wish you nothing but the BEST! ac

simonsays said...

Yup, Summer is completely right. As usual. Hugs.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Ditto what Summer said! The ONLY person we should be asking to change is ourselves. We decide what we can or cannot live with in another person, but it is wrong to ask them to change to meet our expectations. You are doing great at your job and you enjoy it, I'm proud of you for standing up for that! You've come a long, long way, and your life will continue to evolve. Maybe Rosa will eventually fit into that, maybe not. But someone will! :-)

Brad said...

My thoughts were the same as Summer's and Pipetobacco's. It's clear Rosa wants to get back together. Hopefully she'll re-think setting any conditions. You could turn it around for her and ask her how she would feel if you were setting conditions.

Sharyna said...

Alot of people work for family. Dad will need someone to carry on the family biz when he is unable. Have you thought of pharmacy school?


Anonymous Boxer said...

Staying sober is the only "condition" anyone should put on a relationship. I think your job at the pharmacy is great. I worked for my Dad and it has given me such wonderful memories and a better understanding of him.

Rene' Morris said...

I know that was hard, but you did absolutely the right thing. True love is unconditional. She should be able to see what is good for you and want that. I'm so sorry. :*-(

C.A. said...

Grrrrrrrrr. I wrote this inciteful comment, and it got eaten.

I think I'll just leave this one as "Never give up hope, Andrew." The winds of change blow every day, and they can stir up some pretty crazy stuff!

I'm thinking of you.



justLacey said...

I'm with Summer also. Rosa knows about your social phobias, she should be more understanding. How about working on getting your weekly allowance and spending it responsibly. I am proud of the fact that you said no though. You stood up for yourself.

Barb said...

Maybe Rosa gave you that condition because she KNEW you wouldnt bend her way. She may be as weary regarding getting back together, and threw out that condition to get your feel on the whole situation?!?! Just a different perspective.


CJM-R said...

Good for you, Andrew. Your life has a flow to it with your working, and it has brought you and your dad to a new place in your relationship. I think it is wise to stay put.


Irishcoda said...

I'm so sorry Andrew :( Even though things look bleak, there is always hope

Leann said...

I can't say anything that hasn't been said. Just know I agree that conditions have no place in a loving respectful relationship.