Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hermit Version 7...

I already spend an inordinate amount of time on the computer.  I wistfully thought tonight that I could withdraw from the real world and take on a full time online persona much like The Homeless Guy has done with Second Life.  Online life and relationships are so very easy to control.  If I don't like what you have to say, I just don't read it.  If I have a question, I can search via Google.  I can live vicariously through the many hundreds of blogs I read daily, and I do to a certain extent.  People lead such fascinating lives. 

I wouldn't have anything to write, though.  Much of my writing lately stems from my personal interactions with people.  It was the same when I was writing about George and the gang.  I made it my job to go down to the shopping center daily to garner up a post for the blog.   I had grand dreams of being the next Waiter Rant. 

I also crave human contact.  I went and got Mom tonight and despite all her recent problems, I was overjoyed to have her here.   I easily overlooked her suspicious behavior for my own selfish gain of company.  Joyce being home has also brought me immeasurable joy despite tenuous and dire circumstances surrounding her living arrangements.  

I guess what I am trying to say is I have a story to tell -- a story of the people in my life.  I wouldn't do this if it was like a job or tedious.  I love to open Windows Live! Writer and craft a post.  The icing on the cake is when others enjoy it as well and share in on my tales.   I have an impetus to continue doing something so scary to a person with social anxiety and mental illness, and that is to go out into the big wide world and intermingle.  Scary, but so rewarding for me. 


Leann said...

Andrew, it is very easy to get caught up in the lure of the internet. There are adventures to be had for sure, but nothing beats real life, real people, the unpredictability of all of them.

Aim high, as they say!!

Leann said...

Ohhh, and I hate the dark also!

justLacey said...

I enjoy reading your life stories as much as you enjoy writing them. I often think of you in the morning when I am taking my kids to school and Coast to Coast AM is on. There is no reason you shouldn't enjoy spending time with your mom. she needs it as much as you do.

Cheryl said...

Do what you love, Andrew, not what you think you should do. We're here to hear your stories.

Time to get ready for my day. Enjoy yours!

Tee said...

We love your stories, that's what keeps us coming back. But the internet can be addicitive. LOL! Just like caffine. :-) Enjoy your day, my friend.

C.A. said...

I've been reading your blog for a looooooooong time, my friend. It nevers ceases to be interesting and entertaining.

Just be YOU. That's all you really have to do.

Happy Friday.



Portia said...

So Second Life is a no go? I was curious and signed up last year some time but never did a thing with it. For one thing, I can't fathom spending real money on something virtual.

BTW, I have always loved your blog too, ever since I found it.