Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Aliens Haven't Landed...

I listen to a lot of Coast to Coast AM. One of their favorite topics is UFO's and extra terrestrials. I have always been a staunch skeptic. Phil Plaitt wrote this on his blog today, Bad Astronomy. It is a very valid point.

To his list, I’ll add my #1 reason of all time: why don’t amateur astronomers report them in record numbers? After all, who spends more time looking at the sky? The fact that few if any amateurs report them is a pretty clear case that the vast majority, at least, of all UFO reports are misunderstood mundane objects like airplanes, satellites, reflections, meteors, and Venus. Sometimes even the Moon, amazingly.

When a flying saucer lands on the White House lawn, someone call me.

UFOh Noes!


justLacey said...

I have been listening to Coast to Coast periodically for the last couple of weeks. On XM it's on in the morning when I drive the kids to school.

Irishcoda said...

My feeling about aliens is...why would they want to bother with us? ;) Hopefully they've taken better care of their worlds and don't want any part of ours. :) This post just kicked up a random memory of when, in 1938, Orson Welles scared the country 'bout half to death with a fictiionalized radio broadcast of "War of the Worlds". I just realized too that I don't live all that far from Grovers Mills, NJ, lol.

mosiacmind said...

Right now I do not have any thoughts about aliens but wanted to say i hope that you have a good saturday. I was thinking about your breakfast and how much i enjoy chocolate early in the day also...but just think you got a good amount of protein with the milk and peanut butter and then carbs with the chocolate so no worries alright...: )