Saturday, May 24, 2008

What a Difference...

I heard this commercial today and checked out their web page.  It looks promising...

If somebody told you he had diabetes, how would you react? If you're like most people, you'd express sympathy and concern, offer your support and reassurance, and feel confident that your friend's condition would improve with treatment. Now, if that same friend told you he had a mental illness, what would you do?

Too many people respond negatively when confronted with a friend's mental illness, and this only fuels the stigma surrounding the diagnosis. The reality is, mental illness is no different from physical illness. Conditions like depression, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders affect a person's body. The emotional and psychological aspects of mental illness make supportive friends and family even more important to a person's recovery.


What a difference a friend makes


mosiacmind said...

I would be interested in knowing what you thought of the website and perhaps pass it onto us fellow does make sense how people are so different about mental illnesses than othere illnesses.....hope that you have a good rest of your day friend.

Judy Rahn said...

Thank you for passing on a great website! I will pass it on to my teenage nephew. I hope he will look/read it--it states clearly what Major Depression is, with out getting my 'specifics' in the way