Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dilapidated Ice Cream Truck...

The local ice cream truck is again making it's rounds through this sleepy little southern town.   A sure sign that spring is here.  I watched yesterday as the truck turned on my street.  The neighbor's kids were playing in the yard and immediately dropped what they were doing to go get their mom.  They came running back out with dollars in their hands.  

The ice cream truck has seen better days though.  A generator is strapped to the back bumper to power the freezer.  The wheels all seem to have a certain wobble to them as the truck slowly traverses the neighborhood.  The audio on the loudspeaker will sometimes quit.  I don't think the owner is getting rich.

It does harken back to a gentler, simpler time in my youth though. It was a special treat to manage to talk my mother into giving us some money for an ice cream.  I always remember the incredible selection and trying to make up my mind.   Maybe, I will just run out to the road this afternoon as the truck arrives.  Relive my youth as they say.  I always was a nostalgic sort of fool.    


becomingkate said...

I think you should! It would be something nice you can do for yourself.

Judy said...

My Grandaughter was acting up one day and her mother sent her to her room to get control of herself. She was really young, about 3. When she came back she was smiling and acting nice. I asked her how she does that. She said I go to my room and try to think of something that makes me happy. Usually I just think of the ice cream truck.

Leann said...

It's too bad it takes dollars now instead of coins to get ice cream. I love the sound of children scuttling around when they hear the 'ditties' coming from the ice cream truck.

Beautiful spring flowers. Ours have not bloomed as of yet, except the daffodils. Definetely not the dandolions.

Michelle Obama sumed up in one word......class.

sas said...

I love that smells and sounds evoke whole feelings and memories of a different time.

Daffodils are blooming here in London and the scent of fresh flowers wafts about, overpowering buses and other city fumes. Wonderful!

Lena said...

I love the first day that I hear the ice cream truck come down the street.

Comfort sounds.

I'm The Momma, That's Why! said...

ooo! ooo! ooo! Please, Oh, Please! Get me an Orange Creamsicle!!!! Please, pretty please!!!!!

Or, maybe an Eskimo Pie!


Cheryl said...

I grew up with those really old-fashioned white ice cream trucks. They pulled the cord to make the bells ring. Lots and lots of memories there. Thanks for bring them back for me. :))

Jenn said...

We have an unwritten rule in our house that no matter what's happening, we get an ice cream from the truck! He hardly ever comes by our house, so even if we already have ice cream we go get one.

(M)ary said...

i always liked to get the orange push-up from the ice cream truck

Kathy said...

I remember both Jack and Jill and Good Humor ice cream trucks coming through the neighborhood.
Now we frequent a place called "Soft Stuff" -- it opens this weekend!!!

geelizzie said...

Where we live the ice cream truck is a year round thing. The same crappy old mail truck made into an ice cream truck comes around our neighborhood EVERY SINGLE DAY playing the same horrible tune EVERY SINGLE DAY! I'm sure the ice cream man is slowly going insane listening to that same music EVERY DAY of his life. What's really sad is that I never see any kids buying his ice cream.

Irishcoda said...

Y'know what you wrote brought back to mind root beer floats. My grandma used to make them for me. There was an ice cream truck that also used to make them to order for me...almost as good as Grandma's, lol!

happyone said...

I remember the Good Humor and Pied Piper ice cream trucks from when I was a kid. I used to go running up to my room and getting my money out of my piggy bank when I heard those bells. I guess I will be dating myself but I remember buying those ice creams on a stick (chocolate cake or chocolate eclair) for only 15 cents!!!
Thanks for bringing back a good memory! :-)

Tee said...

I remember the ice cream man rode a bicycle with the freezer thing mounted on the front. Am I that old? Growing up a the old, slow, lazy Atlanta all the neighborhood kids knew exactly when the ice cream man was due. The first sound of that bell we all went running in the house asking Mama for money. My favorite was the fudgesicle. Some times Mama would even get an ice cream. She always would get the nutty buddy. Oh my, that was over 50 years ago.