Sunday, March 29, 2009

Situation Normal Here...

"Is it that time already?" I asked Maggie at four this morning as I rolled over and turned on The Weather Channel.  The temperature was 43 degrees with a wind advisory.  Brrrr.

"Come on, stinker," I told Maggie after I dressed and fastened her leash.

Where roads intersect is Maggie's favorite part of the walk.  Stop signs!  Maggie sniffs each pole with intense purpose.  I will pull her away only for her to look at me like, "but I haven't finished sniffing what Spot is doing down the street."  Ah, the wonders of day old dog urine. 


Cheryl said...

I'm so glad you're walking again. I can't get myself to do anything, after doing so well with my walking and swimming. I had an excuse to stop for a while, but with the walking, no more.

Hope it's another good day for you. Accept the happiness.

Syd said...

I wonder what they can tell from the urine--it's a boy or girl; I've met this dog before; I'd like to meet this dog; etc. I'll have to Google some studies that look at that.

(M)ary said...

i think the dogs leave messages for each other, kind of like e-mail. my dog simon sniffs the fence where the neighbor dogs leave marks and vice versa.

he sniffs, he pauses, he pees. it is almost like there is really some complicated message being relayed!

Kathy said...

Is the walking helping? You seem to be really committed to it!