Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mowing Travesty...

I just watched my neighbor mow all his numerous beautiful daffodils to the ground. My heart cried out in the name of spring. "Such a reckless human being," I thought. It really did effect me in such a negative way. I almost feel violated.


Trailboss said...

That is a CRIME! I love love love daffodils. We have some in the yard and I yearn to pick them but I love seeing them through the windows. I will settle for picking fresh flowers from the cow pastures on the way home!

Glad you are enjoying my blog. Hope to see you there often.

Maire said...

Hi Andrew, what a privelage to find your blog! I love the honesty that you share. I hate seeing flowers cut to the ground, they seem violated

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

i can't stand mindless destruction of beautiful things. i would be sooooooo tempted to dig the daffodils out of his yard and plant them in my own garden... haha but i wouldn't want to trespass.

Portia said...

That is disheartening! But you're such a kind soul. The people that cut our (old) neighbors' yards would always mow one little strip of ours- just enough to chop down the ivy we had started by our house. Some people.

impromptublogger said...

Like my dd used to say when she was litte - what a bananahead!

Kathy said...

Had they already blossomed? How stupid!!

happyone said...

Oh my goodness, how could he do that!!!? I love daffodils!

Lena said...

I can't wait to see daffodils and they are mowing them down. So much for stop and smell the roses... or daffodils.

Irishcoda said...

Why on earth would he do such a dumb thing? I love daffodils too! First sign of real spring IMHO!

Dee said...

Ouch! This post made me cringe! This may sound odd, but I have always thought flowers had feelings, maybe because they are so beautiful, I feel the same way about trees. I understand feeling violated. I want to slap your neighbor silly!!

Cheryl said...

They must have already bloomed in your area. Maybe he just didn't know you have to leave the greens to fade away?

badfrankie said...

Yes, they have already bloomed, but the bulbs use the leaves too capture the sunlight and produce food for next year. By cutting them down in this manner, you end up with diminishing returns each year... then, one year, he'll wonder "what happened the my daffodils?" Sad, sad, thought. That said... your image in beautiful. It makes me ALMOST want to mow my yard... ALMOST.