Sunday, March 22, 2009

Facebook found me, or did I find Facebook?

Okay, I've gone Facebook.  Within hours of putting up my profile, I had three friends.  I see an ex-girlfriend on there as well.  I debated on friending her.  She read my blog for awhile and probably thinks I am a bonafide fruitcake.  I can see why it is so addicting though.  I am seeing dozens of people I graduated high school with.  

In other news,  Mo got a Amazon Kindle 2.  Look here as she unpacks it.  I am so jealous.  Look here to see what she is already reading.  Awesome!


C.A. said...

Feel free to add me to your Facebook, friend. I'm Cindi Ann in the Peoria IL network. :)

Hope you and Maggie are well. Thank you for the comment last week. That always means to much to me.



Jami said...

You can add me, too!

Kathy said...

I'm loving Facebook! You can 'friend' me if you like!

(M)ary said...

oh. good luck with that. i am about to unfacebook myself soon!

Jami said...

Andrew -- Jami Wilcoxson Wilmarth

Berryvox said...

I recently put up a Facebook page. I can understand being nervous about blog life mixing with old high school friends. I haven't put my website address on FB because I'm neurotic about people there going back to where I talk about my psychotic breaks. Granted, it's unlikely since those posts are pretty far back.

Mo said...

I sent you a friend request.

And oh my, how special do I feel with you linking me? So special!!!!

When I was waiting for my oil change today, I read to my heart's content. I am so loving Kenny.

badfrankie said...

I'm facebooking like crazy these days. I'm helping manage my 30th high school reunion from 400 miles away (now that's a technological advance!) I also got my Kindle the other week. I've read more books in the past few weeks than in the past few years! It even will read out loud to you. Though, when a character says "Mm" as in "Madam" or "I wonder... mmmm"; the Kindle will improperly say "millimeter". Example: "I pondered the implication of her actions and said to myself... MILLIMETER!" Too funny. Oh another oddity, World War II comes across as "World War ELEVEN". Did I miss some things on the news???? That said, I LOOOOVVVVEEE my Kindle. Technology is amazing!