Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Crazy Guy Rants...

Just having some fun here so don't take me too seriously...

Facebook:  The Memes are killing me.  I don't care what color magic fairy fart you are.  Or what instrument in a rockband you be.  I just want to hear about you.  What your day is like.  Or at least something original.  I hated Memes on blogs as well.  I hate being tagged cause I always feel like an ungrateful jerkface for not participating.  They were the blogging version of Jehovah's Witnesses.   Always imposing and terribly uninteresting.  

Twitter: Money grubbers get on my nerves.  I've followed quite a few people this past week only to find out they are advice giving "business gurus."  How to make money on Twitter?  Quit twitting and go to work.  The word "Webinar" gets on my nerves as well.  People will spend hours twitting whole conferences run by "business gurus."  That is a surefire way of getting an unfollow by me.  There is no magical Internet lightning strike that is going to make you rich in 140 characters or less.


Jami said...

Yeah, I'm getting a little irritated with all the quizzes on FB. At least you can "hide" them from your home page if someone is cluttering it up with results of quiz after quiz!

Andrew said...

Hey Jami!

Thanks for the "hide" tip. Facebook is now immensely more appealing to me.

Syd said...

I'm with you on it. I'm not much for the memes but play along. Some are interesting when the recovery bloggers do them. Some aren't so great.

Kathy said...

I AGREE WITH YOU!!!! First of all, it took me weeks to figure out what the hell a meme actually is!
I guess you can tell, I don't do them and I don't play most of the other games, either. It's like friends who just send jokes through email -- I'd just rather hear from THEM about THEM and what's going on in their lives.
And webinars have their purpose -- they're great for actually DOING business, not for starting business cults or wannabe millionaires!

Portia said...

I totally agree about the money grubbers. "Consultants" always give me pause in person, but I can't fathom who pays for that stuff online. What a bunch of nothing! I love your answer to How to make money on Twitter, lol:)

(M)ary said...

HA!!! that is hilarious.

btw i am mauve magic fairy fart (-;

Jay M. said...

couldn't have said it better myself!!

EE said...
