Monday, March 16, 2009

The Boat Comes to Port...

Mom wasn't answering the phone at lunch so I just drove over. I knew she was asleep and I let myself inside through the garage. I forgot Helen was there and she was in the kitchen making tuna salad for mom's lunch. Helen made me two sandwiches to take with me.

"I got you more cokes," mom said when I walked back to check on her. Her and her two cats were all piled together in the bed. Mom's cat sleeping on her hip like she does would drive me crazy. Mom had bought a whole case of expensive 20oz regular Coca-Colas. "It's your money," I could hear my father say again from the other night. "You might want to tell your mother to watch what she is spending."

My walk this morning was humid and damp. You can almost tell spring is knocking on winter's back door. The redbud trees have begun to bloom this week. That, and my grass is greening up. The birds all think this is fantastic. I am really taking in all the birdsong.


Cheryl said...

I can't wait to see the Redbud's blooms. We've got a while to go around here. I'm so glad to see your spring banner. The ice of the winter is gone!

impromptublogger said...

Bwa-ha-ha! I love that fortune (and so so true)...

(M)ary said...

that is the funniest and true fortune cookie i have seen!! ha. well, i would rather read blogs like yours than clean my house any day.

Tammi said...

I LOVE that fortune cookie!
Thats TOO close to the truth!

Berryvox said...

*lols at the image*

Kathy said...

I love that fortune cookie message!!! How did you know???

Mo said...

Andrew, Your fortune cookie is right on point for me right now.

Oh and my kitty sleeps on my hip too. There is something comforting about it, except when she throws up a hairball.

skinny minny said...

Red buds are basically bloomed out here and we've moved onto the dogwoods. Have wild flowers popping up all over our highways ( thanks LadyBird Johnson) I would say even though we were pretty cold the past few days that spring has arrived in southeast Texas. Keep up the walks. I find mine to be a great communion with life especially this time of year when life is popping up all over.