Monday, March 09, 2009

The Tide Turns...

Maggie just went about bonkers when mom pulled up out front of my house.   She wagged her tail spastically with a look on her face that said, "She's here! She's here!"

"Sorry I snapped at you this morning," mom said. "The phone rang all morning and I couldn't get any sleep.  Come get your cokes and I have some of your medicine."

The way I looked you would think an angel had come down from heaven and blessed me.  I smiled, gave mom a hug, and welcomed her inside.

"Who is it Maggie?" I asked.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!  It's momma!" Maggie seemed to say.

I smiled again, gave mom another big bear hug, and we talked for thirty minutes until she wanted to go lay down.  I love my mom so much and can't stand for her to be upset with me.  I can be so emotionally fragile sometimes.


kristi said...

I think you and your Mom understand one another. That is a very good thing. Wish my Mom cared how I feel.

Kathy said...

You really are blessed with parents who love you!