Sunday, August 13, 2006

A New Day Dawns…

I stumble out of bed and put on my bedroom slippers and robe. First, I go turn off that damnable air conditioner and the racket it makes. Maggie is waiting at the back door to be let out for her morning run of the yard.

“Hold on girl. Let me go get my coffee started,” I tell her as I yawn and stretch.

I stand at the stove. I can’t see as I have yet to put my contacts in or glasses on. I always prepare my coffee the night before going to bed. I bend over to look closely at the dial on the stove and turn it to high. I am blind as a bat.

The bathroom then beckons.

“One more minute girl. I am coming,” I reply to Maggie as she impatiently wiggles at the back door; far too excited for this early in the morning. It is 6 AM. I must do my business first though. The last time I took a whiz in the backyard in the morning with Maggie a neighbor just happened to be on their early morning walk and saw me as they walked by the house. I caught them in my peripheral vision. You have never seen someone pull up their underwear so fast and close a robe. Yes, that was one of the more embarrassing moments in my recent life. What’s okay for dogs is not so acceptable for us humans; especially when a neighbor is walking by. I can only think of what they thought.

I can hear my coffee start to percolate loudly as I flush the toilet. I yawn and stretch once more.

“I promise I am coming. Let me pour me a cup,” I tell Maggie as I walk through the den.

I know I sound like the elderly Cat Lady at the A.A. meetings taking about or to her cats this morning.

Maggie is looking at me like, “Okay bozo, you better hurry up or I am going to give you a nice little present on this carpet.”

I walk to the back door with my coffee mug in hand and open it. Maggie goes tearing out the door and starts her morning ritual of mostly sniffing around and then at the last minute taking a wee. It as if she has to pick the perfect spot.

I sit outside in one of the wrought iron chairs and watch the sky grow ever brighter. The magical hour has begun and all the neighborhood birds are earnestly calling. I smile, glad to be alive another day. I made it a whole Saturday without drinking with sixty dollars in my wallet. One day at a time as they say. Sundays are a safe day as they don’t sell alcohol on the Lord’s Day due to the Bible belt laws. I would have to drive sixty miles for a beer and that ain’t gonna happen. That sixty dollars has got to last me until next Friday.

I leave the back door open so Maggie can decide when she is ready to come back inside. I awaken my sleeping computer, open Firefox, and check my blog for comments from last night.

“Holy shit!” I exclaim as I see the amount of comments on my last post.

I sit, read them all, and then begin to write this. One things for sure; everyone has a different opinion on religion and the topic is polarizing. It just reaffirms my belief that where you are born determines what religion you will follow. I broke one of my more ardent blog rules yesterday afternoon. Never write about religion or politics. You will just alienate your readers by doing so.

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