Saturday, August 19, 2006

Pleasantly Surprised…

I had quite a rebound today. I bounced back and enjoyed a long afternoon of smoking and reading. I think it is just all the medications I am taking. You should see what I have to take on a daily basis. I think my psychiatrist far too easily prescribes new drugs at just the slightest hint of a symptom. It is one of the more endearing aspects of her with regards to my father. Being a pharmacist, he is keen on the more medications, the better. I just don’t want to turn into a drooling zombie like my mother can be sometimes due to being over medicated. She takes Zyprexa for her schizophrenia and it is extremely sedating (along with dozens of other drugs).

It is midnight and I can hear the neighbor’s kids playing out in the backyard. It is music to my ears and makes me feel not so lonely tonight. They are quite an animated little bunch. I am craving human contact tonight for some reason. Maggie is lying on the floor at my feet occasionally looking up to me for a good backrub. I have all my windows open and there is a hint of fall in the air. It is downright nippy tonight with temperatures in the sixties. I will soon have to close all my windows.

My mother came by this evening with a care package of cokes, cigarettes, and dog food. It was much appreciated. I didn’t even ask her to do this. “I just worry about you,” She replied. “And thought you needed a little TLC. We haven’t seen you all week.”

I was very pleased to hear that the Judge ruled Bush’s warrant-less wiretapping to be unconstitutional today. It was one of the rare days that I actually watched and kept up with the news. They keep trying to spin as an issue revolving around terrorists and keeping tabs on them. Why don’t they just get a warrant and do it legally? Next we will have gulags to lock up socially deviant people and Muslims. Did we not learn anything from the Japanese internment camps from World War II? History has an uncanny knack of repeating itself, I fear. There is a lot this administration has done that I don’t agree with at all.

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