Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Beaver of a Dog...

Me and Maggie enjoying a brilliantly sunny fall afternoon. There is talk of dogs eating pecans. Of mental illness medications and coming down from them. And of the joy of receiving an unexpected gift from my mother this morning that was truly amazing.


Josie Two Shoes said...

This video just made my day Andrew! :-)

Debbie said...

my dogs like sticks too. and all the acorns that are dropping. i ouwld think they are full of fiber too!

Diana said...

I'm new here as I just found your blog yesterday....I saved it into my favorites and have spent many hours reading back into your life. It is so funny to me that now I know what you sound like too. I wish you the best. Your life is interesting to me.

PipeTobacco said...


Your quote is shown below, and then I shall comment:

"Pipe Tobacco, harps about moderation being the key for me. But I have to ask, "Would a moderate me really be me?" I wouldn't display or have that same intense passion and zeal I have for things, writing, and life if I were middle-of-the-road."

1. I do not "harp". I have previously stated things in a manner that attempts to use clear statements of what is the most important message.

2. Would you "be you" if you lived life moderately? That is a rather pandering, b*llsh*t type question. You are suggesting by your very statement that ALL YOU ARE is schizophrenia. That is so preposterous. I merely suggested you should take the medication that is PRESCRIBED, not everything your Dad throws your way. It seems you either take no medication, or you let your Dad sedate you into a stupor.

3. So, it is the extremes of your medications then that gives you passion? That is such a crock. You do not think you would have ideas, or interests, or abilities without being on a roller coaster of being without medications to being all doped up? Sheer nonsense.

But, you may decide whatever you wish about all of it. I shall go back into my silent mode. Sometimes I suspect I am just being used for fodder anyhow.

But I shall leave you with one final question.... How in the hell will you ever KNOW if you would be you if you NEVER try living life moderately?


Moonroot said...

Love to see Maggie - she's adorable. Thanks for the video!

Cheryl said...

Loved the video, and hearing your voice. You're lucky to have a companion like Maggie.

Brown Spice said...

Loved the video

Anonymous Boxer said...

You know what a dog fan I am, so thanks for sharing Maggie.


Summer said...

Thanks for stopping by today. I never knew that you were a reader of Not So Little You And I. It seems so long ago. But you're right, it was very real and it got me into a lot of trouble and it was the end of the you and I. Painful to think about. Even now.

Kelly Jene said...

Loved the video. Maggie is such a sweetheart. I love that your voice sounds clear and more sure of yourself. Take care friend!

Jenn said...

That's amazing that you have a pecan tree in your yard. Do you know how expensive pecans have gotten in the store? I tried to make pecan bars recently, but it was going to cost way too much money.

Glad you're feeling better :)

justLacey said...

I think I enjoy your video blogs most of all. It makes you seem more real. Our dogs eat the peanuts we leave out for the squirrels. The squirrels spend all day burying them and when they start to sprout, the boxer digs them up and eats them. They also love apples and pears and carrots. Does Maggie eat any of those? They chew up coconuts too. Spend ours picking a the outside and stripping it off.

abbagirl74 said...

It's always a pleasure to hear your voice. I miss it sometimes.


I loved the video...and you have such a relaxing voice!!
What a beautiful day for you,..and Your yard-wow!! So much room for dear Maggie..Maggie the beaver so adorable!!