Wednesday, November 28, 2007



Cheryl said...

Hey Andrew,

What time does your father come by? I tried Benedryl in the past and it kept me up. I think because of my thyroid issues I get the opposite result.

I wonder if you could stop by George's mom's house. I know you really like her and she could fill you in about George. I'm sure she'd love to see you if you feel up to it.

Are you feeling better yet? I hope so. I'll stop by later.

Kelly Jene said...

I say if the Benedryl works, do it! It always knocks me out too. I've had a sinus cold lately and it helps me.

Take care friend, I really do hope you have a peaceful night's sleep. ((hugs))

Le Fleur said...

Our moods have flipflopped, haven't they? Today, I feel really good for once. I hope you feel better soon, luv and don't feel bad about the benedryl. I might not admit it to some, but I wish I still had my codeine as it was the only thing that knocked me out.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Hi Andrew! Did you know that Benadryl is exactly what is in Tylenol PM (along with the Tylenol of course)? My daughter, who is a nurse taught me that. Yes, causing relaxation/sleepiness is one of it's side effects and when used at bedtime it's great for that. I take it at bedtime too. Helps with the allergies and itchies, and gives me some restful sleep. Sleep well and dream good dreams my friend.

CJM-R said...

Hope you have a peaceful night's sleep!


Kelly Jene said...

Hey Andrew, just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better.

Cheryl said...

Checking back too. have people thinking about you all the time.

Leann said...

I use Benadryl to sleep also. It knocks me out for hrs. I loved seeing your house in both video blogs. The wood floor is amazing! I love the colors. It's very homey and inviting.

Take care dear friend and I hope you are alseep and cannot read this... :-)

[Un]Censored said...

Hi Andrew,

I enjoy your blog so much, that I thought I'd make my own award to show my appreciation.

You have been tagged to be the recipient of an award. For more details, visit:

Smile and keep blogging :)


[Un]Censored said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anonymous Boxer said...

don't laugh, but I have a male friend who uses Midol - the one with no caffeine to relax. He's a long distance truck driver.

OK, I'm laughing.

Anonymous Boxer said...

p.s. - but it's a true story.

justLacey said...

Anonymous boxer that is so funny! Andrew everyone gets bouts like you do of anxiety or agitation. I think you just think we don't and that makes you feel like there is something wrong. If you really want to be agitated come over here. I have 2 dogs and 2 kids. Yikes! I will have to try the Benadryl for sleep. I usually use Nyquil when I am sick and it makes me sleep restfully. (Plus I like the taste, sick I know.) Probably because it has alcohol and the medicines and I don't drink.

forsythia said...

Hope you got a good night's sleep. That always helps. I have a mild mood disorder, but yesterday I could relate to the way you were feeling. Everything seemed to get on my nerves. I've gotta learn how to cool it. I've noticed my little grandson yelling "Now what?!" when the phone rings.

Summer said...

How are you feeling this morning? I use benadryl too. It just doesn't last very long. I am learning to concentrate on my third eye to get me back to sleep. I guess they call that meditation. Duh.

Rhette said...

How your night went well. What about trying something as simple as
Chamomile Tea (de-caf) OR another one is Sleepytime tea. Believe it or not, but they really do work & they relax nicely without worrying about side effects of meds. Just a suggestion if you even like hot tea. It's a nice way to wind down for the evening on a winter night -- but you'd have to get the one without caffeine so it wouldn't interrupt with sleep.

When I'm overwhelmed & I don't want to deal with the side effects of a med., I try the hot herbal teas & it does help, maybe you can try it :)


abbagirl74 said...

I do hope you get a chance to see George. Perhaps it is something you and Rosa can do together. If you had company with you, the drive and anticipation wouldn't be so bad. I just really hope you get to talk to him before something happens. It would be a shame to not be able to talk to him again, to tell him how much of a good friend he is. I know he would be so happy to see you.

Lynette said...

I hope you are doing better this morning. I think a lot of us use PM type cold medicines to sleep.

Portia said...

I enjoyed your vlog very much. I'm glad to know the day went well overall, but I hope your nerves settled and you found some good sleep last night. And that today is going good too.....
Nice festive theme, by the way:)