Friday, November 09, 2007

Manna from Heaven

"Oh, It was terrible!" my neighbor, Joyce, exclaimed. "They wouldn't allow me to smoke and they withheld the patch."

"Oh, I would have died!" I replied, giving her a hug of support.

My neighbor, Joyce, just spent a week in the psychiatric ward of a hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. She awoke last Friday night screaming at the top of her lungs and the police were called. Neighbors paraded out to the street to see what was happening. I somehow slept through all the excitement.

"I've missed you so much," Joyce said as she hugged Maggie, rubbing her back vigorously. "I feel you are my dog, too!"

"Well, tell me what happened Joyce?" I then asked.

"I had one of my manic attacks and paranoia," she replied. "I've been dealing with this for 25 years."

"I am so glad you are home. I was worried sick about you."

"I knew you would understand," she said. "That is why I came to see you. I need a favor."

"What's that?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

Joyce's hands were trembling violently. She couldn't sit still. She was supposed to stay in the hospital for two weeks, but her insurance wouldn't pay any longer. Our health care system is beholden to the almighty dollar to the detriment of its patients.

"I want to tell my story and sell it to Reader's Digest," Joyce continued. "Will you write it for me? Your father told me you were a writer."

"Oh Joyce," I replied. "I am flattered, but I doubt I would do your story justice. Why don't you write it?"

"Well, if I write it on paper will you type it out and burn it to DVD so I can mail it in?"

"I would be overjoyed to do that for you," I replied.

Joyce left and moments later returned. Out in my yard were bags and bags of groceries awaiting to be carried in.

"My church bought me enough groceries to feed me for months since I am going to be out of work," she said. "I want you to have these."

I thanked her profusely. God works in mysterious ways as I was down to a loaf of bread and a brick of ham to eat. Mysterious ways, indeed! I'm just glad Joyce is okay although she is still very, very manic. I hate to see her driving and she has drove by my house countless times today. I know I can't drive when mentally ill. I am an accident waiting to happen. C'est la vie!


Ryan said...

Don't crash!

Anonymous Boxer said...

just when one door closes.... others open.

CJM-R said...

So great of you to help her write her story. You can be her editor.

This should be an interesting project and one that will keep you busy!

Hope she feels better soon...

Sharyna said...

Andrew-I am happy for your sobriety and food gifts. Are you doing ok without your meds? I'm thinking of going off some of mine.


mago said...

Something to eat is a fine thing.
What about that shot in the large muscle? I think the professor is not wrong.

Anonymous said...


I visited your site…and I was impressed!
Beautiful work.
Take also a look at my website…thanks and kind regards.

Le Fleur said...

That is so cool that your neighbor wants you to type her story for her and gave you groceries for the service! I've been typing papers for my own lunch money, but I wish someone would just give me food and cut out the middleman :)

I looked at some of the entries that I've missed and I'm very happy to see that you asserted yourself with your father. Have you seen your doctor about the insane amount you've been taking? I'm certainly no advacate for drugs, I think they're killers, but I just want you to be safe off them.


God does work in mysterious ways! Will you put the donate or leave tips option back up, please?

I do have to say that I disagree with how your father who is acting more like a controller than someone in charge of your well withhold $ for food well, I just don't think that's justified.
But, I know how controlling fathers can be.

M said... are so correct. Our medical system is beholden to the Almighty dollar....

Lynette said...

The food is a wonderful gift at the right time. You will help each other out if you help her with her story.

Josie Two Shoes said...

How wonderful of Joyce to share this bounty with you, Andrew, that was just the daybrightener that you needed! If your father keeps your SS money but withholds even groceries, you must report it immediately. He is stepping over legal lines. It must be very interesting to watch someone dealing with mental illness and comparing her experience to yours. Her driving in a manic state scares me too, I so hope she will be ok. I am praying you will be too! (((Hugs)))

Cheryl said...

What a lot you're going through! Too much. I'm glad to hear that you're weathering the storm that is your father so well. Why is he acting like this? Sometimes so very loving, and now like your jailer, withholding every dime? At least now you have some food.

Thanks for always being there for me. When I write, I always think of you. You encourage me!

Kelly Jene said...

I think you would have done a great job of writing her story. I'm glad you agreed to help her. And what a blessing with the food! That's great.

Take care!

justLacey said...

I take it Joyce has no family? Perhaps the flip side of what can happen to you if you totally push your dad away. I'm glad younow have something to eat. Perhaps you can cook and send food over to Joyce every couple of days. I feel for her situation.

mosiacmind said...

It sure is interesting to me how things work out for people who are so generous like yourself and then when things are needed like food and sodas and such often times someone shares just like you have done with people so often

kristi said...

Hi, I just found your blog. I'll be reading. I hope you and your neighbor are okay.