Friday, July 02, 2010

A Working Man…

I applied for several positions at Wal-Mart a few weeks ago on a whim online.  I really didn’t have much hopes after filling out the very lengthy exam and questionnaire.  They asked a lot of personal questions about work history.  I haven’t worked in eight years except for a month at the Piggly Wiggly a few years ago as a grocery clerk. A job for which my father made me quit.  It drove him crazy that I was making my own money.  I just got the call they want to hire me thirty minutes ago.  I was just floored, elated, shocked, and so excited!   I will be the cart handler at what I assume is minimum wage for four hours every morning.  My job will be to gather the carts in the parking lot with a mechanical battery powered pusher and bring them inside and keep them stocked and ready for customers.

“Will y’all work with me and my disability?” I asked the nice lady on the phone afraid to reveal I had schizophrenia.

“Yes sir,” she said and she didn’t even ask me what disability I had. “The job just involves a lot of walking and you need to be able to walk.”

This was looking more promising by the moment.

“I can’t make over $600 dollars a month or it will effect my disability check,” I then told her. “That’s one of my biggest worries about taking the job.”

“We will work with you on that, sir,” she replied. “We will manage your hours.  We just need someone who will work hard and will be reliable and steady.”

I don’t know if I will be able to do it, but I am going to give it a good man’s try.  The lady acted like it was a job for which they are having problems filling the position.  She sounded just as excited as I was when I said I would take it.  It must be kind of a crappy job.  But I’ve wanted to work for months now.  I am a hard worker when I set my mind to it.  The first thing I am going to do with my first paycheck is to buy that camera part to get my camera working.  I have missed it more than anything in the world.  It has been over a week and dad has said nothing about it since he said he ordered it.   I just hope I can manage my anxiety.  If push comes to shove then I will get a new doctor who will prescribe me stronger medications that will allow me to continue to work.  Well, here goes my trial by fire and either a great accomplishment or my worst blunder in years.  Sometimes, you just gotta take a chance and try, though.  The worst thing that can happen is that I have to quit because of the anxiety.   Let’s hope not and pray for the best.   


Patti said...

Wow - good for you! Looking forward to hearing how it works out. It sounds like minimal interaction with people, so that's a good thing, right?

Not sure how it works in the US, but up here in Canada, they aren't legally permitted to ask what your disability is, and then make a hiring decision based on that.

Anonymous said...

Stepping out in courage and bravery is never a blunder. Go for it! :)

Catherine(the nice "anonymous" one)

(M)ary said...

You will do great! Sounds like a good place to work if the lady that hired you is any indication.

Mary K said...

It's a victory no matter how it works out. It never, ever hurts to give it a try.

justLacey said...

Sounds like something you can handle and a way to get your feet wet at least. Good luck.

glittermom said...

You wont be dealing with customers so it might just be the job for you...Give it a try, dont give up before you try...Dont let dad talk you out of it either...What can it hurt to see if you can handle a job...Thats just what you might need to boost your self confidence...

Anonymous said...

You're a drunk & a loser. I quit your blog. I'd tell you to have a nice life but you won't. I hope your dad cuts you off because you don't deserve him.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

WOW! I've got faith - you can do whatever you really want to. Give it your best shot, dear.

With the help of modern technology it shouldn't be too hard on you physically - no high heart rate, etc.

Will anxiously await an update!


becomingkate said...

First of all, I can't believe that the anonymous person is such a flamer - like what they're doing is fine as along as they can hide behind the keyboard. What a coward and a fake! Please ignore that person because he/she is obviously getting some kind of thrill by flaming you.
Anyway, congrats!! I think you'll enjoy it.

Hap Joy Free said...

get another doctor to give stronger meds? sounds like you are taking your will back just fine.

Will you be telling your dad and mom about the job, or will you just get a new mom and dad too?

Beth said...

I'm sorry, but I'm more with Hap Joy Free on this one. You're clearly cycling again, and I'm afraid the crash on this one is going to be pretty hard.

Instead of calling your sponsor or checking with your doctor, you're self-medicating with whatever comes to mind. "Self will run riot" is what it appears to be.

Happyone :-) said...

Congratulations!! I'm sure you'll do fine. :-)

PipeTobacco said...


The WalMart position sounds potentially promising... but before you begin, I would urge you to explore in great detail the exact maximum dollar amount you can earn without jepordizing your SSDI benefits. Make sure you know the EXACT maximum allowable and then perhaps subtract 10% from that for a margin of safety in case your hours are calculated mistakenly or if WalMart forces you to work extended time at some point.

Your SSDI benefits (perscription benefit especially) is far too crucial to risk... so play it really, really safe and make sure you never even get near the maximum allowed... government agencies are a royal pain in the posterior if you even mistakenly bypass their limits and rules... so be very safe.

If you do take the position, I believe you will find it rewarding... but if you do or do not take the position, I would encourage you also to write out a well-thought-out set of reasons, goals, and plans you wish to accomplish with this position and then share it with BOTH of your parents TOGETHER. I think you get much better success when you speak to your mother and father simultaneously.

As always,remember that life is the journey, not the destination... live life as an experience.


Tee said...

It's worth a try. I agree with Pipe, be very careful about the number of hours and $$ that you earn so as not to lose your SSI benefits. Written goals and a written budget are a must. It gives you the road map for your destination. A budget will map you out a plan to get all those things you want, like getting your camera repaired, computer parts, extra food, etc. before you end up spending it on stuff that you can't account for at the end of the money.

Those buggies won't require any interaction or conversation, unless you want to talk to them. LOL, So you can chill on that worry.

Take down that coward's comment that is hiding behind anonymous.

Jopan said...

Well done Andrew! that sounds like a nice job and it will hopefully do you good. Things like that always make me feel better. It's always good to have options.

Patti said...

Obviously, Andrew, the job at WalMart will disappear the first time you arrive drunk or hung over. Please think carefully about not just yourself, but your family who cares so much for you that they put their own lives on hold to "do" for you. Your friends also.

I think you need to man up and tell Mrs. Florine what you really did with the money she gave you. That is money she could have sent to George to make his life in prison a little bit better.

I also fear for Maggie. She depends on you to be 100% there for her.,,not sitting alone in the house while you go waste your life and time sitting on a bench becoming just another drunk. I think you've proven before that you are better than this. You are letting your illness control your life rather than you taking control of your life along with your illness.

You will find that you will feel more contentment and joy in your life if you will just do the right things.

Sharyna said...

Andrew, you know I love you. But remember about a year ago you got that job at McDonald's and Dad found out? Be careful. And I don't know why you can't see your doctor alone. You're 39 now? Dad has to let you grow up some time...

Sharyna said...

Andrew, you know I love you. But remember about a year ago you got that job at McDonald's and Dad found out? Be careful. And I don't know why you can't see your doctor alone. You're 39 now? Dad has to let you grow up some time...

kristi said...

Andrew I really hope you stop drinking, I don't know you personally but I do care about you.

Anonymous said...

He can't see his doctors alone if his father doesn't want him to. Andrew signed over POA to his father years ago and deemed himself incompetent to care for himself. Read back, it's all there. I work with a lot of people in this exact situation and once that paperwork is done and the decisions are made, they are no longer his to make. Those legal documents are extremely hard to reverse and with all this online evidence and many people who know who he actually is, it's probably never going to happen. It's essentially at the stage of a 5 year old going to the doctor, they've got to have an adult with them. I'm not saying that Andrew has the mentatlity of a 5 year old, only that that's how the courts see him. Unable to make his own decisions based on rational thought and understanding of the specific situation. They see his father as the decision maker, guardian, and most of all POA. Sometimes the situations we put ourselves in have consequences we don't like - but we have to remember that we've done these things to ourselves. No one else is to blame.