Monday, July 12, 2010

Slow Times at Wally World…

Another slow day at work.  I spent most of my time over in the electronics department again.  They know me by my first name there now I spend so much time in that department.  There is this androgynous man that works there that fascinates me – me being a keen study of people.  I couldn’t tell if he was male or female at first until someone said his name, Derrick, the other day.  He has one of driest senses of humor I have ever encountered and can be so acerbic in his attitude and expressions.  He is keen on talking electronics with me though.  He really knows his stuff having worked in electronics for years and years.  He picked out a cellphone for me today which I am going to purchase when I get paid Wednesday.  I feel I need a cellphone for when people need me to mow their lawns for my second afternoon job.  It will be the first real bonafide cellphone I have ever owned.  It could be a boon for my business and then again, It could be a curse for me personally.  I’m not much one for talking on the phone.   I used to have severe anxieties about phones, but that has eased up over the years some lately.

We have settled into a regular routine at work.  I work from eight until noon.  And Quentin takes over from noon till eight handling the second shift.  I was so worried about my disability with working extra hours last week and am glad we’ve got Quentin now.  He is doing a stellar job my supervisor says.  My supervisor assured me today I would just be working my four morning hours from now on as long as Quentin keeps doing a good job.  I had expressed concerns about it.  I was so relieved.  I am ready to settle into a normal working routine with little deviation.  You know me and routines – I am obsessed with them.

I’ve been talking to this woman named Kim at work during my free time.  We have really been doing some flirting and have developed a rapport with each other.  She has bleached blonde hair and is heavyset – looking a lot like a heavyset Drew Barrymore.  Her face looks stunningly similar to Drew other than the chubby cheeks.  She wears the most rings on her fingers which fascinates me.  I find her very attractive liking heavier women.  She also has several obvious tattoos.  My father would just die if I started to date a woman with tattoos.  A few red flags were raised today when she said she had two kids, but her mother had custody of them.  That worried me for some reason.  What has she done to lose custody of her kids to her mother?  My first suspicion was addictions and jail time which is usually the cause for such things.  I have always had bad taste in women it seems.  Rosa was a train wreck of problems mentally and addiction wise.  Carolyn was emotionally flaky as well.  I am just so lonely for a female companion that I am willing to take just about any woman who shows interest in me.  I do believe this is going to go somewhere though.  We have really hit it off and enjoy each other’s company and conversation.  I am willing to forgive a few foibles for companionship.  I am not exactly a pillar of the community as well having my own problems over the years.

Well, the showers are really starting to bubble up here in the afternoon heat.  I am going to quickly pull my push mower over to the mill village and try to mow those small lawns for $10 dollars each.  I saw quite a few on my ride home from work that need mowing.  I will write again this afternoon when I get home and  let you know if I made some money.  Take care!


glittermom said...

Dont judge others to harshly, as you dont want others to judge you...

Syd said...

Sounds good with the morning hours. Maybe find out her story. Everyone has one.

Nelljean said...

Your poll for anonymous comments doesn't seem to work. I vote Nay.

One more thing: I noticed you casting about for a word. It is 'rapport' -- words are important to me. I frequently lose one for a while. I lost 'demoralized' for a whole year once. I could use it in a sentence and knew the meaning. I just couldn't remember the word. Now I get demoralized when I lose 'pavilion,' one of my favorite words that I can't keep up with.

PipeTobacco said...


It is great seeing you feel so upbeat.


pattycakes said...

ooo a gf , could be very nice for you , hope it works out, maybe you and she could take a walk with maggie , that always gives one something to talk about if there is a cute lil dog involved :)

Gulf Coast said...

I enjoyed this post and smiled as you were describing Kim. I hope you do meet many new friends at work.

kristi said...

There are many reasons as to why she does not have her kids. More than likely CPS stepped in to put the kids with her mother. Hope she gets her life together for those kids' sakes.

Sharyna said...

Andrew, I am soooo proud of you! And a gf too. Ask her out!

reaganalabama said...

I agree with Sharyna. ask her out!