Monday, July 19, 2010

Things are Afoot…

Well, I got a call this afternoon from the manager of our local Kroger grocery store.  He wants me to come in tomorrow afternoon for a job interview.  The big pro about this job is that it’s less money which may sound odd to you, but it is pro as far as my disability is concerned.  Another big pro about the job is that Kroger is within easy walking distance from my house.  I like that very much – being able just to walk to work and save that wear and tear on my car.  I will be bagging groceries and handling the carts as I do at Wal-Mart.  It will also be a much busier job keeping me busy throughout the mornings I will be working.  If the interview goes well, then I will take the job.  It will also be a job with opportunities for advancement that I just didn’t have at Wal-Mart.  This was also the job I originally wanted when I started applying for jobs several weeks ago.

I am going to be a nervous wreck, though.  I haven’t been on a job interview in 12 years since I worked for the University.  I am going to have to convince dad into letting me hold off on taking my two morning Klonopin till later in the day.  He is just going to have to trust me.  I need all the helpful medications I can get for this. 

Tomorrow afternoon is also my injection of Risperdal just before my interview.  It is going to be a busy day.  Kim asked me tonight if something was wrong as I was driving her home from Mrs. Florene’s house.  She said I seemed so distracted and aloof.  I bluntly told her it was time for my medication for my disability.  I felt really out of sorts this afternoon.  I have taken that medication for so many years at such high dosages my body has become acclimated to it and I can really tell when it runs out.  My heart will beat furiously in my chest.  I just hope my medications have time to take effect before my job interview tomorrow afternoon.  It will be another four Klonopin day for sure.  I will be taking them all close together as well.  I hope it doesn’t make me too groggy.

Well, what do you think?  Am I a fool for taking this new job?  Or should I just be content with the status quo?  I am into taking risks these days and the worst thing that can happen is that I will just have to quit if it proves too much.  I am in the enviable position of already having two other incomes with my disability and my yard care business.  I hope I won’t get too much negative feedback about this, but I am interested in what you have to say.   I’ve got some really astute people reading the blog that don’t usually steer me wrong. 


C.A. said...

While the Kroger job sounds enticing, all things in moderation my friend. :)



Rob said...

wow, you really seem to be on a roll lately, good luck with the interview. I am also diagnosed with schizophrenia and haven't worked for several years so I'll be watching keenly to see how you go on.

I don't know toffee about the benefits system in the US, but here in the UK it is a real bitch, take care and good luck. Rob

Justfly said...

I always tell my grown sons to follow their heart, it will never lead you wrong. Do what feels right Andrew. I think it is fantastic that you have such confidence! I love the new title of your blog!

glittermom said...

If you feel comfortably with it I say go ahead..Nice to work close to home..and more variety, not just pushing carts around....Dont be did fine with the walmart interview so I have confidence you will do well...

Syd said...

It sounds like the Kroger job has lots of advantages--weighing the pros and cons as you have done, it seems to come out as a good deal. Good luck with the interview.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

I like the idea, too - except for one thing. You have worried in the past about having to interact with customers. Bagging will mean dealing face to face with customers. Paper or plastic? Do you want your potatoes in a bag? Can I help you to your car with those? That kind of chit chat.

If you're comfortable with that the whole time you're bagging, then go for it!!

You're doing pretty darned good so far!

Love ya,

Tee said...

Be honest with the person interviewing you and tell them you are on disability and will have restrictions on the amount of income you can make a month. If that is a problem, then that is your answer, don't take the job, stick with Wal-Mart, because your boss is so willing to work with you on your hours and not exceed your limit. Also, consider the interaction you will have with the customers. Will that present a problem for your anxiety? Moderation, my friend, moderation.

Old Hippy said...

Nothing worth doing is ever easy !
Do me a favor and get a simple blood test to check your testosterone levels will ya !
Old Hippy

kristi said...

The only thing I worry about is the customer interaction. I am a talkative customer and always interact with our grocery baggers at our store. One young man is disabled and I just LOVE him.

Annabel said...

I can see a couple of negatives in this scenario. First, I don't think it is good to job hop quickly. I think you will do better to maintain some job stability. I also think the Kroger job would potentially be more stressful with its pace and customer interaction. I know you'd rather stay busy, but I think the ease of the Walmart job is good for you to be able to quell your anxiety when it does rise. Just really play out all the issues before making a rash decision. Be upfront about your disability in the interview and see how they react to it. It may well depend on the atmosphere you glean from both places.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Don't forget - back to school shopping is coming up - WAY busy at Walmart - and then the holidays. If you can hang in just a week or two more I think you'll be plenty busy.

One other note - Leaving one job for another that pays less - when you haven't even been at job #1 for a month does not look good on a work history or resume.

I do hate to sound negative. Your choices lately have been so damn good - who am I to suggest what you should do?!

Love ya,

Beth said...

Walmart does offer some excellent opportunities to move up. A friend began with them by putting together bicycles as seasonal employment, part time, and is now a regional manager.

For what it's worth, I totally agree with the comments about not job-hopping, customer interaction, etc.

Stick with Walmart. Stop looking for greener grass right now. You've got enough on your plate.

sal said...

Andrew, I'm proud of your progress. I would take the job at Kroger if offered. Wal Mart is a scam of a place. I take Klonopin advice for tomorrow is to takse 2..and wait for your shot till after the interview.
Anyway, good're a great guy!

justLacey said...

The interview itself is always the determining factor for me. That is usually when I see what is going on and if I think I will like the job or not. Play it by ear and see what you think. I am not against you changing jobs. I want you to be happy.

Summer said...

Do you get an employee discount at Wal Mart? As much as you love electronics, it might be the better place to work. Just a thought.

Sharon said...

Although I also believe you should stick with Walmart, I think it will be good experience to go on the interview with Kroger's. Bear in mind that Kroger's might decide to put you on a different shift than you're on now at Walmart, which could interfere with your lawn care business. I think staying with Walmart, at least for a bit longer, is the way to go. Of course, it is YOUR decision not ours, but I do hope we're able to offer you some sound advice.

forsythia said...

I'm no help today. I can't decide which is better, although I like the idea of not having to drive to work. I guess I would say to wait and see what you think after the interview.

Gulf Coast said...

I should not say this but I am anyway. If you are getting cash from lawn care business, I would not report it. Consider it GRAVY!!

Jenn said...

There is definately going to be more customer interaction with the Kroger job. What will that do for your anxiety? Are you prepared for the jerks or mean people that will inevitably come in? Other wise, it sounds like a good job. It's nice that it's closer to home and you can walk. Another thing to consider is switching jobs too frequently does not look good for your work history. Good luck!

Happyone :-) said...

I say go for it if its what you want to do. Good luck with the interview. :-)

Golden To Silver Val said...

I agree with Grannie, Tee and Annabel. You will be busier at Kroger but its a much more demanding time or place for you to lean against the wall or sit down and take deep breaths if you feel an anxiety issue coming on. It will be rare that you have any "alone" time at all at Krogers. Eventually you may feel more comfortable working and you can take on something like Krogers but for now I would stick with Wal-Mart. They seem to be extremely understanding and very willing to work with you because of your disability limitations. I know you want to do more and you want it NOW....but keep remembering that Moderation is the key word to success. Also remember you may not have time to do your yard jobs if you take on Kroger especially if they change your hours, which they will do as the need arises. I know you don't want to disappoint these nice people you've been working for. So my vote is for you to stay with Wal-Mart and keep building up your savings and your yard job clients. Good luck to you Andrew.

Sharyna said...

For mentally interesting people everywhere, stay at WalMart for now. If you leave so soon, maybe your supervisor won't hire the next mentally interesting person, thinking that they'll leave too. But if Kroger's hires you, then I guess you have to go. Just make sure it doesn't interfer with your lawn jobs! Again, I am soooo proud of you!

PipeTobacco said...


My opinion is that you should do what you feel is best. But that said... I would tend to stick with WalMart for the time being because:

a) You seem to have a really nice and understanding boss at that job... it might not be so at Kroger.

b) You get to interact with both Derrick and Kim because they work at WalMart. It may change your day-to-day relationships with them if you move to Kroger.

c) Building up a longer term job history in one spot is a good thing for future position changes.
